Missing check number column in Quicken [SOLVED]

Q. Help! I just upgraded from Quicken 2010 to a later edition and now I am missing my check number column for all my credit card accounts! (I use that field to store extra info) Where did my check number column go in Quicken and how do I GET IT BACK?

A. Thankfully, you can easily re-enable the Check # field (if a checking count) -or-Reference # field (if another type of account) Here is how:

#1 While at the register screen for the account you want to edit, click the ‘Gear’ icon in the register (as shown in the screenshot below)

#2 Check the ‘Check #’ checkbox (if it is a checking account) or ‘Reference #’ checkbox (if it is another account type)

#3 Click ‘Done’ and that is all it takes! 🙂

Check # option for the register

Show the missing reference number / check number field

Show the missing reference number/check number field

I hope this helps! 🙂

Best regards,

Applies to: Quicken 2011, Quicken 2012, Quicken 2013 , Quicken 2014, Quicken 2015, Quicken 2016, Quicken 2017, Quicken 2018, Quicken 2019, Quicken 2020, Deluxe/Premium and all Other Editions if you encounter check numbers not showing up in Quicken.


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