Category Archives: Work

2004 Invoice from Pogo Linux for Vorticon64 PC workstation

Oldschool throwback below! This was my primary workstation during law school. This was when I was really expanding my business (working during law school) and setting the foundation for future growth. It was setup on a huge work table with dual monitors and I accomplished a lot on this system. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Tech notes: RAM was upgraded after receipt of system. SSD was eventually added as well but the Raptor was a pretty fast HDD for back then. This was a

HOWTO Reset Synology DS1813+ login info

If you forget your Synology login info, or if your credentials simply are not working, here are the steps to reset the login to factory defaults. Note: this should only reset the login info, but regardless I recommend backing up your data first if you are able to. Especially if your data is important, please always make 100% sure before doing anything that could endanger your data! Reset administrator login credentials and network settings I hope this helps! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ References:

How to add admin page role on Facebook?! [SOLVED 2023]

Question: J.D. can you help me figure out how to add a new admin to our Facebook business page? We had our manager leave and now I cannot add any new managers/admin. i tried all the help that Facebook lists but there is no page roles in the settings. Help! -Nick Answer: Dear Nick, Facebook (or Meta) has done something really weird with their Page Roles/Management interface and they seem to have not updated their online instructions. Thankfully, I think