Category Archives: Uncategorized

Popular Mechanics: V8 + Electric = muscle hybrid

I’ve always had a soft spot for Popular Mechanics, they are usually a good choice to read at the doctor’s office or at a newstand. They almost always have something interesting in each issue. Recently, Popular Mechanics did a really cool makeover of a 2009 Dodge Challenger. They took the Challenger, which is a modern V8 “muscle car” and added an electric drive system. The article starts here.  The electric additions start on page 5. My house uses solar energy,

Hawaii: Day 0 (Departure)

We’re in the Spfd airport, warm and out of the snow.  Our flight is now scheduled for 8AM (instead of 7:40AM). Apparently the crew was delayed getting in the night before. They are required to get a minimum amount of rest, so our flight is slightly delayed. We’re all for the crew having plenty of rest, so no biggie :-). The new Springfield terminal is pretty nice, power (AC and USB) outlets under a number of seats and the wifi

Wonderful trip to Florida

Samantha and I just got back from a wonderful trip to Florida. One of my best friends got married in Key West. I was the best man and Samantha was the photographer. On the trip down we had a great time and it was an absolute blast once we made it to Key West! Even the trip back was great because we visited my cousins in Mississippi. I hope to write more later, and post photos too :-).

Jodom’s loft featured on blik blog

John Odom, or jodom as I affectionately refer to him, had his loft featured on the blik blog: Caption: Jodom’s pimpin’ pad Speaking of Jodom’s place, Samantha will be visiting John in STL after Shannon’s bachelorette party this weekend. She’s picking up a hard drive for me and hopefully she, John and Angela will get to chat a bit and maybe grab a tasty bite to eat :-).

A milestone for our solar powered home

2009.09.04 updated with URLs for equipment (see bottom of post) Since we’ve been married, Samantha and I have lived off the grid. We don’t have any utility bills and we haven’t had a single power outage. However, today (September 3rd, 2000) still marks a big day for us in our off the grid living. Because today we connected our new batteries and solar setup to our house. We now have over 30x the electrical storage capacity! Energy during the day

Lush Summer in Missouri

We’re back from our Colorado vacation and WOW, everything is amazingly green here in Missouri! For August, this is the most lush I ever remember seeing the vegetation. There must have been some serious rains while we were gone. The following photo is meant to show the almost jungle like state of the forest around here ;-). Hopefully we will have a lot of black walnuts this year! The pine trees I planted, which are about three years old, grew

Bicycles in Hawaii: Buying vs. Renting

Transportation in Hawaii Our plan of attack for our two month trip to Hawaii continues to coalesce.  So far things are proceeding nicely and there aren’t too many things left to do. On island transportation is one of our final hurdles remaining. We want to do a significant amount of walking, biking and hiking while we’re on the big island.  This will help us get some nice exercise as well as saving some big bucks on car rentals. I’m particularly