Category Archives: Daily Updates

Work update from paradise

I may be in Hawaii, I’m still doing as much or more work as usual. It’s just a lot warmer here ;-). Today I’ve been working on some simple improvements for NetRender (NR), it’s a site that sells hi-res textures. John is my partner on the site and we try to improve the site anytime we can. Here’s what I’ve been up to: +backed up everything (as part of our periodic backup schedule) +removed the credit card logos from the

Jodom’s loft featured on blik blog

John Odom, or jodom as I affectionately refer to him, had his loft featured on the blik blog: Caption: Jodom’s pimpin’ pad Speaking of Jodom’s place, Samantha will be visiting John in STL after Shannon’s bachelorette party this weekend. She’s picking up a hard drive for me and hopefully she, John and Angela will get to chat a bit and maybe grab a tasty bite to eat :-).

Outstanding Week

Good work and good play This has been an outstanding week. One of my favorite weeks in a long time. Much of that is due to Samantha. She has been here working and playing alongside me. We’ve been accomplishing a lot and having a grand ol’ time doing it. Warning, there are a LOT of photos in the rest of this post!

My tuxedo dimension

I am saving this online  for personal reference, in case I need a tux again or want to compare measurements in the future. This is as of 2009.Sep.22. I got measured for Kevin and Shannon’s wedding. Height: 5′ 11″ Weight: 157 Neck: 14.5″ Chest: 39 Overarm: 47.5″ Sleeve: 34″ Waist: 33″ (wears 32″) Outseam: 41.5″

Weekend home alone

Samantha is visiting family in Bolivar this weekend. That leaves me home alone and up to my own devices. Friday was mainly computer work. Today was mainly remodeling work. Sunday will be some finishing work and clean up; I also need to do some enhancements that John requested for his site. That will complete the weekend :-). Then I’ll be looking forward to Samantha getting home. We don’t have too much pre-planned for the week. However, we always seem to


This has been a good but crazy two weeks. Two weekends ago Samantha went to visit her awesome family in Kansas. Kevin and I had our “guys weekend“. That was followed by a few days recovery for me. Then it was time to go full bore on projects around the house, farm and for work. I also got to spend a lot of quality time with my awesome family (usually in the evenings) so I think everybody had a great