Author Archives: J.D. H.

Error 1962: No Operating system found. Lenovo Workstation [SOLVED]

If you are trying to install Windows 7 on a new Lenovo workstation, you may encounter the following error message: Error 1962: No Operating system found. The following steps were necessary for the system to recognize my Windows 7 USB installation flash drive: Disable Secure Boot Enable CSM Save changes and reboot 🙂 Other similar errors: b540p error 1962 no operating system found – Lenovo Community have had nothing but problems with this model since day 1. i upgraded to

USB2.0-CRW driver download [SOLVED]

Recently I came across a new Unknown Device while performing a clean install of Windows 7 Pro x64 on a Lenovo desktop: Thankfully,it was fairly easy to determine that ‘CRW’ stands for ‘card reader’ and find the correct driver here: dl link (use the drop down to select your OS version) Bitland Cardreader Driver for Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) – Desktop Bitland 5179 Card Reader Driver for Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) – Desktop Bitland Cardreader Driver for Windows 8.1

PCI Encryption/Decryption Controller [SOLVED]

Q. I have an unknown device PCI Encryption/Decryption Controller in Windows 8.1, what is the correct driver? A. You need the Intel Trusted Execution Engine driver: (Dell dl link) File name: Version: (Latest) Date: 02/20/2014 Size: 34.39 MB Language: English Operating Systems: Windows 7 (32-bit)*, Windows 7 (64-bit)*, Windows 8, 32-bit*, Windows 8, 64-bit*, Windows 8.1, 32-bit*, Windows 8.1, 64-bit* DELL version, Intel® Trusted Execution Engine Driver This package provides Intel® Trusted Execution Engine Driver and is supported

Dell laptop brightness control not working?! [SOLVED]

Description of the brightness control problem If you have a recent Dell laptop and are doing a clean install of Windows 8.1 (and possibly Windows 10), you may encounter an issue where the brightness controls (F11/F12 down/up) do not function properly. Specifically, the buttons pull up the Windows 8 brightness control slider BUT the changes do not take effect 🙁 Solution Thankfully, the fix was simple. Install the latest Intel HD video drivers! As soon as I installed the latest

Enable remote MySQL connections on Turnkey Linux LAMP

I am a big fan of Turnkey Linux. It is great for working on projects locally, though sometimes I need to allow others access to the MySQL server on our LAN. Here are simple instructions for enabling remote MySQL connections and for allowing user access: How to allow remote access to databases | TurnKey GNU/Linux docs -i “s/^bind-address/#bind-address/” /etc/mysql/my.cnf Configure MySQL to accept remote root connections (from any host (‘%’)): (added line breaks for readability) 🙂

Negotiating an Oil and Gas Lease (Creek County OK)

Recommended PDF: Lease clauses and forms, negotiation (RECOMMENDED) – Clauses and Forms  LEASE PROVISIONSOption to Extend Lease Surface Damages No Surface Operations Oil & Gas Only Royalty Increase Escalating Royalty Clause Minimum Royalty Clause Shut-In Royalty Clause Pugh… Negotiating Your OIl & Gas Lease | Oil, Mineral & Gas Law of the more difficult things landowners are called upon to do is negotiate an oil and gas lease.  Oil and gas leases contain many unique terms in the