Author Archives: J.D. H.

Beneficiary Deeds in Missouri

A beneficiary deed allows for property to transfer on death (TOD) without going through probate. The beneficiary deed only goes  into effect upon death of the owner, therefore it does not actually transfer property until the owner’s death and therefore it does notpreclude transfer before death. In other words, if an owner executes a beneficiary deed and then decides to sell the property, that it is not a problem. The Missouri Bar provides an overview of Estate Planning methods and

MySQL: Count the total occupancy rate for a time period (month)

Recently I encountered a somewhat interesting MySQL/PHP task: determine occupancy for a reservation system. This entailed determining how many reservation days fall within a particular month. It was not possible to simply determine each reservation length (datediff from/to) and sum them because some reservations started before the month in question and other reservations lasted until the month was over. Therefore, one solution is to get the reservation lengths then compare the start and end of the reservation to the start

Synology DS1813+ Review

My DS1813+ arrived yesterday via FedEx and I will soon be putting it through its paces. This article will be updated periodically. Until the next update, here are some preliminary links: DS1813+ Product Info Synology Network Attached Storage – DS1813+ Products its superior performance, scalability, resilience, and comprehensive features, Synology® DS1813+ is the ideal storage solution for your growing SMB. The DS1813+ can help to simplify data… Synology DS1813+ & DS1513+ DiskStations Reviewed – Features, Performance, Conclusion – SmallNetBuilder 4.2

Reverse order of individual items in a delimited string

Topic: Reversing the order of individual items in a string. Specifics: I had a date contained in a GET query string that was formatted as follows: 01/27/2013 and I needed it reversed to 2013/01/27 Here is a simple method to do the reversing in PHP: $toDate = htmlentities($_GET[‘to’]); $toDateNew = implode(“/”,(array_reverse(explode(“/”,$toDate)))); Explanation of code: First you explode the $toDate variable, then reverse the resulting array, finally you implode that array back into a string. Of course there are other date

Set your own date format in MySQL

Use DATE_FORMAT in MySQL to create your date strings formatted however you like: SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created),’-‘,DATE_FORMAT(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created,’%m’) ,’-‘,DATE_FORMAT(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created,’%d’)) AS creationDate, Count( As reservationsMade FROM res_hotel_booking_bookings WHERE res_hotel_booking_bookings.created >= ‘2013-10-15 00:00:00’ AND res_hotel_booking_bookings.created <= ‘2013-10-17 24:00:00’ GROUP BY YEAR(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created), MONTH(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created), DAY(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created) ORDER BY creationDate DESC There are more concise ways to do this, but this was adapted from an earlier method that used CONCAT so I stuck with that… 🙂

Link aggregation / NIC teaming [Windows 7]

Some tips for link aggregation/NIC teaming in Windows 7 using Intel NICs and drivers: Intel NIC’s 802.3ad Link Aggregation in Windows 7? – [H]ard|Forum anyone else is trying to do this, I figured it out. Follow these directions for Intel NIC’s. The feature is not included in Windows 7, so the NIC drivers have to support it. You have to be logged… Network Connectivity — How do I use Teaming with Advanced Networking Services (ANS)? teaming with Intel® Advanced Network

Estimating the cost of building a new house

We are planning on building a new house next Spring 🙂 As such, I have been trying to get a feel for cost per finished square ft. So far, after talking to other people that have built homes in the area and a number of builders, it looks like our area is generally $75-$125 per finished square foot. We live in an aera with bountiful timber and fairly low wages, quite ideal for house construction. So, that figure it likely