Author Archives: J.D. H.

Chase Cashback Rewards Calendar for 2013

Here us the latest Chase rewards calendar: Activate every three months for 5% cash back on up to $1,500 spent in 2013 bonus categories: January – March Gas stations Drugstores Starbucks® stores April – June Restaurants Movie theaters Lowe’s® home improvement stores July – September Gas stations Theme Parks Kohl’s® October-December Select Department stores ACTIVATE STARTING September 15, 2013 You’ll earn 5% cash back on up to $1,500 spent each quarter. See for more details and exclusions on 5% categories.

Making your WordPress blog Retina ready

Two handy-dandy plugins for making sure your blog displays high-res images to your readers that are using Retina (or equivalent) displays: WordPress › Simple WP Retina « WordPress Plugins replaces images with @2x versions on Retina and other high pixel density screens. Change is performed server side saving requests. No action is required on your part other than to activate it and to regenerate your thumbnails with the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. WordPress › WP Retina 2x « WordPress Plugins your

Using a DSLR with Instagram

After getting an Eye-Fi for Christmas, this week I am finally putting it to the test! What better way to utilize the card than to make a higher-end camera (DSLR, mirrorless, or bridge camera) easily compatible with Instagram. 🙂 Here are two links to get us started: Useful Photography Tip #19: Partner Eye-Fi Mobile With Instagram for Sharper, Funner Photos is an extremely fun app to use that promote social photo sharing and has a major emphasis on simplicity. While

SE39UY04 4K LCD review and Accell Adaper

I just ordered a 39″ 4K display from Amazon and will be posting a full review once it arrives. Until then, here is the download full manual in PDF format: (dl link) I am very intrigued to see how this display performs when connected to a PC and used as a high-resolution monitor. The $699 price makes it particular interesting when compared to >$1K 30″ 2560×1600 displays from Dell etc. Seiki Digital SE39UY04 39-Inch 4K Ultra HD 120Hz LED TV

Olympus FL-600R not working with XZ-1 [SOLVED]

Recently I tried using a nice Olympus FL600R flash on the hotshoe of my wife’s trusty XZ-1. Things were initially a no go, the camera would not fire the flash nor were any other commands/communication registered by the flash 🙁 Thankfully I got my FL600R to work with by downloading the latest XZ-1 firmware version: (link to OLYMPUS Digital Camera Updater) Screenshots of the firmware update process NOTE: requires the XZ-1’s USB cable to be connected to your computer) 🙂

Amazon post order price guarantee reduced to 7 days [DETAILS]

Traditionally Amazon has offered a 30-day post order price guarantee:  if you order an item and Amazon lowers the price within 30 days, you could contact them to receive a refund of the price difference. They then stopped honoring the guarantee around September 1st 2008 only to reinstate it again at various times, the latest being early 2013*. One thing has been fairly consistent: the 30 day time period. However, they have modified the program once again and it is now valid for

Does Exede support streaming audio? [yes]

Yes it does! Here is a photo showing two Android phones simultaneously playing music via Google Play’s streaming audio service: Pandora was also tested with good success. Likewise even two way communications (Skype) worked well. All of this was done via Exede satellite Internet while other users were surfing the web at the same time. This was in an entirely off the grid setting (solar power, satellite internet). Throughout it all performance was excellent. 🙂 Top Search Terms:excede internet problem

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