Author Archives: J.D. H.

Hawaii after a month

We’ve been in Hawaii just over a month. It’s been a wonderful time so far and here’s a short categorical summary of my thoughts so far: Weather Definitely one of the highlights. In Kona we had one day of rain, the rest was sunshine.  Temperatures were in the low to mid 80s during the day and mid 60s at night. Now we’re on the Hilo side and we expect more rain but similar temps. So far we actually like the

A Few Personal Highlights of 2009

As I ponder the year, and how fast it sped by, here is a short sampling (there are a lot of things left out) of what stood out during the year… You can checkout Samantha’s year end recap as well as Jessica’s. If you have your own year end recap, please post a link in the comments! These are organized by category, not by chronology… Warning, there are a LOT of photos! Top Search Terms:honda mini bike (10)samantha;s surprise (3)honda

Does Windows 7 load balance multiple internet connections? [yes, probably]

Question. Does Windows 7 load balance multiple internet connections? And what exactly is load balancing anyway? Answer. Yes,  Windows 7 appears to load balance! – re: Multiple Internet Connections (Windows 7 Discussion Forum) – re: Multiple Internet Connections (Windows 7 Discussion Forum) pg. 2 Windows 7 Break through. Excited!! Load Balancing Works! – – NOTE: I haven’t found any official MS documentation on this topic, but from reports on the web it does seem to work…

Popular Mechanics: V8 + Electric = muscle hybrid

I’ve always had a soft spot for Popular Mechanics, they are usually a good choice to read at the doctor’s office or at a newstand. They almost always have something interesting in each issue. Recently, Popular Mechanics did a really cool makeover of a 2009 Dodge Challenger. They took the Challenger, which is a modern V8 “muscle car” and added an electric drive system. The article starts here.  The electric additions start on page 5. My house uses solar energy,

SkyGrabber Review [updated with screenshots and download]

If you’ve read about the security vulnerability of US military drone planes, like the Predator,  you probably wanted to checkout the Russian  SkyGrabber software to see what all the fuss is about. Unfortunately, their site seems to be down due to all the traffic. Hopefully the military (or the company that builds the drones) will fix the vulnerability soon! UPDATE 2: download links for Skygrabber link #1, link #2 (mirror) UPDATE 1. Here is a screenshot of the Skygrabber program

Work update from paradise

I may be in Hawaii, I’m still doing as much or more work as usual. It’s just a lot warmer here ;-). Today I’ve been working on some simple improvements for NetRender (NR), it’s a site that sells hi-res textures. John is my partner on the site and we try to improve the site anytime we can. Here’s what I’ve been up to: +backed up everything (as part of our periodic backup schedule) +removed the credit card logos from the

Dell M4400 display models

I recently ordered two Dell Precision M4400 laptops. Upon receipt of the laptops I was slightly surprised that there were different panels in each laptop: First order: X864C Module, Liquid Crystal Display 15.4WX+, WLED, Lg Philips Lcd Maybach/Avia Second order: U609C Module, Liquid Crystal Display 15.4WX+, WLED, Au Optronics Corp, Maybach/Avia Thankfully both are matte anti-glare displays and the quality is comparable :-). Top Search Terms:dell u609c (6)u609c (3)dell screen u609c (2)dell m4400 display (2)dell m4400 display problem (1)คู่มือ dell

Delete EISA Hidden Recovery or Diagnostic Partition? [solved]

Q. I have a hard drive from an IBM thinkpad and I can’t get one of the partitions deleted, can you help? A. This is how I deleted one on Windows XP, this includes some steps showing different parameters and help for the diskpart utility: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\User>diskpart Microsoft DiskPart version 5.1.3565 Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Microsoft Corporation. On computer: M4400 DISKPART> list Microsoft DiskPart version 5.1.3565 DISK        – Prints out

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