Author Archives: J.D. H.

Cool camera straps for the E-P1 (neck, y strap, shoulder strap)

[photos for this entry to follow later] I didn’t bring a strap with me for the E-P1 on our two week Colorado trip. That meant I either: (a) carried the camera handheld (b) kept the camera in my backpack, a Lowepro CompuDaypack (<$40 new on eBay) which has a quick access compartment for the camera (c) kept the camera in a pocket of my cargo shorts (not many DSLR like cameras can fit in a pocket!) All three worked fairly

Lush Summer in Missouri

We’re back from our Colorado vacation and WOW, everything is amazingly green here in Missouri! For August, this is the most lush I ever remember seeing the vegetation. There must have been some serious rains while we were gone. The following photo is meant to show the almost jungle like state of the forest around here ;-). Hopefully we will have a lot of black walnuts this year! The pine trees I planted, which are about three years old, grew

Cancel a GoDaddy domain registration and get a refund

UPDATE: New 2019 instructions for GoDaddy refunds 🙂 Old info from 2009: Yesterday I needed to know how to cancel an inadvertently renewed domain registration on GoDaddy. Here are the instructions I received from GoDaddy: Discussion Notes Support Staff Response Dear Jay D Hodges,Thank you for contacting Online Support. We would be happy to request a refund for your order. However, we will need you to first cancel the item(s) in question within 45 days of the renewal date. Once

Bicycles in Hawaii: Buying vs. Renting

Transportation in Hawaii Our plan of attack for our two month trip to Hawaii continues to coalesce.  So far things are proceeding nicely and there aren’t too many things left to do. On island transportation is one of our final hurdles remaining. We want to do a significant amount of walking, biking and hiking while we’re on the big island.  This will help us get some nice exercise as well as saving some big bucks on car rentals. I’m particularly

Playing Pente, a cool boardgame, on the computer

Pente is a fun board game created in the late seventies by a guy from Oklahoma. The object of the game is to get 5 pieces in a row  -or- to capture 10 of your opponents pieces. The game is surprisingly fun and very easy to learn, yet it has enough depth to keep things interesting. We keep a Pente board and playing pieces in Colorado. My family has been playing the game for over 20 years. The past couple

Our Cabin in Burrows Park Circa 2009

This post was inspired by Jes and Neil. They posted a beautiful vintage photo of Estes Park Colorado circa 1909. The colors and age of the photo make it very unique and beautiful to my eye. So, I decided to try to emulate that look using a digital photo of our cabin. Here is the final result, circa 2009: It makes me very happy that parts of Colorado still remain pristine and primitive after a hundred years :-).

Summer Update

Just jotting down a few notes here: Our winter vacation to Hawaii is coming together, I’m slowly checking items off the list flights booked, at what appears to be a nice low price (the cheapest I’ve ever booked for Hawaii) accommodations for the first half of the trip Some things are still left to do: rent a car book accomodations for the 2nd half of the trip Ines and Greg may come to Hawaii too! That would be totally awesome…