Author Archives: J.D. H.

Men’s League Basketball 2009

Yesterday was the last night of men’s league basketball this season. The league started in March and we had games almost every Tues/Thurs until now. Overall is was a lot of fun and good exercise. We ended up doing fairly well, losing in the semi-finals to a quality team. I’m not sure yet if that team went on to win it all, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. It was nice to get reacquainted with some more of

Amazing new bedroom!

Today Samantha surreptitiously rearranged the bedroom all while I was working in my office. I had no idea any of this was going on, though I should have realized something was up due to the unusual silence around the house. In the end it was a total surprise to me! She did an amazing job. Now it feels like we have an entirely new awesome bedroom, whereas before it just seemed like we had a room with a bed in

Hiding particular categories on a WordPress blog frontpage

I decided to hide my techie posts (a particular category of posts) from the home page of my blog. The rationale is that most of the people visiting my homepage are friends and family that don’t really want to read the techie stuff, so why should I show those posts on the frontpage? Conversely, most Google visitors are searching for the techie stuff so I still want to leave in on my blog. I did some googling and found an

Ask J.D. – Nikon D5000 or Canon 500D?

One of my favorite professors, Muthu, is taking an extensive trip this summer and he has been looking for a new DSLR to take with him. There is a related post discussing Canon 500D vs. Panasonic GH1, but the GH1 doesn’t look like it will be released in time for his trip. So today Muthu emailed me the following question: J.D. Need your opinion. Nikon and Canon have released their DSLR with video capabilities. Any suggestions or recommendations? The pricing

Fixing dual-monitor problems in Solidworks

My friend Dave does some amazing machining (CNC) work in Ozark, MO.  He recently upgraded to dual monitors on hid work computer but was having the following problem, I’m posting the correspondence here in case somebody else out there has a similar problem… PROBLEM: Dave here.  I wanted to see if you could help me out with my computer from work.  After installing the second monitor I’ve been having a couple issues.  When I have both of my programs up,

Good work and play day

The bulk of the day was taken up with business. I woke up early and Samantha slept in. This is a reversal from yesterday where I really caught up on my sleep. After waking up it was time for me to do some hardcore work: NetRender – We had good sales on NetRender (mainly trees, shrubs & grasses, and flowers) and it turned out be one of our highest grossing sales days yet. – We had a new advertiser,


Whew, we made it home! After traveling for a week, including time for both business and pleasure, we are now perched comfortably on our couch :-). We got back about 3:40PM. This gave us just enough time to unpack and clean up a bit before heading to our nearest neighbor’s place for supper. They had invited us over and it turned out to be a very tasty meal and a fun evening. We had to head out a bit early

Update from Tulsa: Delightful Evening

Samantha and I arrived in Tulsa this afternoon. Then we spent some time recooperating from the past few days excitement: Easter, Samantha’s birthday(s), plus good times with great friends and family. Tonight we headed over to the Fettkether’s place for dinner. The evening was replete with delicious food, birthday cake, homemade root beer and great company. Kaldun was on top of his game tonight. He showed me his new pet Mooshu, played the violin for us, enjoyed a present that