AMD Radeon R9 M375 2GB, with DDR5 and specs

Some exciting news about the Lenovo IdeaPad Y700 14″ laptop, its GPU uses DDR5 memory. Woot!

NOTE: For best performance I highly recommend upgrading the standard HDD to a SSD. You can find complete steps here: Lenovo IdeaPad Y700-14 SSD Upgrade

Here is the DDR5 GPU memory screenshot:

AMD Radeon R9 M375 2GB DDR5 GPU-Z details

AMD Radeon R9 M375 2GB DDR5 GPU-Z details

My specific Lenovo Y700-14 model:

Order Details for Lenovo Y700 80NU000UUS

Order Details for Lenovo Y700 80NU000UUS

PS thanks to commenter Fee for asking the great question whether it utilized GDDR3 or GDDR5 🙂

PSS as the specs show, I have the 2GB version of the card… I do not know for sure what type of GDDR the 4GB version uses.


  • Fee

    What!!? Not many budget laptop offer gpu that have ddr5 memory. That is something. I hope 4gb version use ddr5 memory as well. Thanks for the exciting news J. D.!! ??

  • rm

    Hi, I’m very interested in the Y700 14″. The model I plan on getting is the 80NU000UUS is that the same that has this GPU and the DDR4 RAM?

    Thank you.

    • Hi rm, thank you for your comment!

      Yes, I ordered the exact model you are looking at,
      the Ideapad Y700-14, model number 80NU000UUS.

      I do recommend upgrading the SSD once you receive it. Of course there is also room for 8GB more RAM too! 😉

      Best regards and please keep me posted on your laptop decisions!

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