Tag Archives: gpu

Minecraft not using dedicated GPU [SOLVED]

How to fix the issue of Minecraft not using dedicated GPU If you’re having trouble getting Minecraft to use your dedicated GPU, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix the issue. NVIDIA First, open the NVIDIA Control Panel and select Manage 3D Settings. Then, select Program Settings and add javaw.exe to the list of programs (if you are not using the Java edition, then select your applicable version of Minecraft). Finally, choose High-performance NVIDIA processor

Best Ethereum mining GPU [Sep 20th, 2016]

Currently, as of September 20th 2016, the best GPU for mining Ethereum is the AMD RX 480. The criteria are cost, hashrate (in MH/s) and power usage. My current top pick is the Sapphire Radeon NITRO+ RX 480 8GB model with 1342 Mhz core clock speed, for approx 27-29MH/s. At current rates this $279 card should mine about $750 USD of Ethereum a year. 4GB or 8GB? 4GB models of the RX 480 offer a lower initial cost, but resale value

AMD Radeon R9 M375 2GB, with DDR5 and specs

Some exciting news about the Lenovo IdeaPad Y700 14″ laptop, its GPU uses DDR5 memory. Woot! NOTE: For best performance I highly recommend upgrading the standard HDD to a SSD. You can find complete steps here: Lenovo IdeaPad Y700-14 SSD Upgrade Here is the DDR5 GPU memory screenshot: My specific Lenovo Y700-14 model: PS thanks to commenter Fee for asking the great question whether it utilized GDDR3 or GDDR5 🙂 PSS as the specs show, I have the 2GB version

New video card for 4K UHD and Starcraft 2 SC2 HotS

Every four years or so I invest in a new video card. The latest edition, ordered today, is the GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 650 Ti OC 2GB card. I actually meant to order a BOOST edition but somewhat mistakenly ordered the ‘OC’ edition. 🙁 However, I like the overall features of the card and if it performs well enough I will keep it. 🙂 Otherwise, I may return it and look at a GTX 760. My general usage scenarios will be

Intel Isis Pro 5200 (Crystalwell) review roundup

News and reviews on Intel’s latest and greatest graphics solution have been quite hard to find 🙁 By latest and great I am of course referring to the Intel ‘Isis Pro 5200’ Crystalwell Haswell based GPU /CPU combination. So to make info a bit easier to find, this page will serve as a review roundup and will be updated as new reviews come out: Isis Pro 5200 Review Listing (in roughly chronological order) Intel Iris Pro 5200 Graphics Review: Core

[HOWTO] upgrading M4400 (RAM, CPU, SSD, BIOS)

NOTE: you can also view all the entries in this Q & A series… I received the following question on my previous post about upgrading a Dell M4400 laptop: Q. Great J.D. Thank you. I also have an M4400. I purchased it a year or so ago so that I could have a portable solution as I explore 3D graphics programs such as 3DSMax etc…Based on your above post (and a few others) I have purchased a qx9300 quad core processor,

History of Intel’s QuickSync, soon even faster! (Ivy Bridge)

Intel’s Quick Sync is a great new feature of their latest CPUs. One reader experienced 3x faster encoding and that is definitely not out of the norm! You are probably already familiar with how Quick Sync speeds up video encoding and that it is generally regarded as better than the competing AMD and NVIDIA solutions. However, here are a couple tidbits you may not have heard yet! #1 Intel’s Ivy Bridge brings even faster acceleration to Quick Sync If this progression keeps

Duke Nukem Forever game benchmarks (FPS)

There are only two computer games that I play these days: StarCraft 2 and Duke Nukem Forever. Both of which are sequels to venerable classics. StarCraft 2 is widely considered a worthy successor to SC1. Duke Nukem Forever is generally not considered to be worthy compared to it’s older counterpart Duke Nukem 3D. However, they are both surprisingly fun to play in multiplayer for exactly the opposite reasons: StarCraft 2 – one of the ultimate games when it comes to skill, it

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