Search Results for: tax

Canon SX230: an awesome GPS geotagging camera! [REVIEW]

As you may have already read in my mini-review, I’ve been having fun playing with my mother-in-law’s snazzy new camera, the Canon Powershot SX230 HS. Canon SX230 HS Review & Sample Photos mother in law recently purchased the camera and my wife has one of its predecessors, the SX210. Overall Canon has made some nice enhancements to this latest model and it truly is a splendid little camera for walkabout photography. Its main draw being that it packs an amazing

Google Refine: a Few Sample Transformations and Helpful URLs

Google Refine is a powerful tool to help cleanup data from a variety of sources. I’m gradually becoming more familiar with it and the powerful transformation tools that it offers. Here are: a few sample transformation expressions, and… sample data the result “=” after the transformation is applied The first example provides labels and explanations, the rest of the examples omit the labels and explanations but follow the same syntax. I hope these are helpful to you! NOTE: there are

Daily update: some long overdue projects

The girls are visiting family in KS, so today I got some long overdue projects done: replaced the coaxial cabling for our WildBlue satellite internet (I previously nicked one of the cables, thus I needed to replace it) hammered in a grounding rod to attach the ground cable to (for the WildBlue satellite dish) finished running the ethernet cable from our office closet to the networking center of our home (thanks to my dad for helping me fish the wire

3.1GHz Quad Core System on the Cheap: $200

The need for cheap speed! Yesterday I read a nice little article over at Anandtech about unlocking the extra two cores in AMD Phenom II X2 555 CPUs. This lets you take a  dual core CPU and turn it into a quad core CPU*. *The extra two cores aren’t guaranteed to unlock and be 100% reliable, but it’s easy to stress test and see if your particular CPU can handle it. Reading other people’s experiences it looks like the success

Hawaii: Day 1 Transportation and Groceries

The time is 11:22AM and so far it has been a good day :-). I got up at 7AM Hawaii time, which is 11AM Missouri time. I did some work and then at about 8:30AM it was starting to warm up so we began our trek. We walked 4.3 miles, the longest portion of the walk was along scenic Alii drive. The walk is punctuated by gorgeous views of the ocean and the coast. Here is Samantha at the starting

Hawaii: Day 0 (Departure)

We’re in the Spfd airport, warm and out of the snow.  Our flight is now scheduled for 8AM (instead of 7:40AM). Apparently the crew was delayed getting in the night before. They are required to get a minimum amount of rest, so our flight is slightly delayed. We’re all for the crew having plenty of rest, so no biggie :-). The new Springfield terminal is pretty nice, power (AC and USB) outlets under a number of seats and the wifi

Choosing a system: Nikon D90 vs. Olympus E-620

The ever-wonderful Jes is in the market for a new DSLR! She sold her entry level Canon DSLR and is ready to move up to the heavy-hitting power of a Nikon D90 (or similar). So Many Choices! Anytime a friend is considering a new camera purchase, it always gets me thinking about the different DSLR systems. Here is are just a few: Canon (full frame, non-full frame), Nikon (FX, DX), Sony (full frame, non-full frame), Olympus (four thirds, micro four