Google Refine: a Few Sample Transformations and Helpful URLs

Google Refine is a powerful tool to help cleanup data from a variety of sources. I’m gradually becoming more familiar with it and the powerful transformation tools that it offers. Here are:

  • a few sample transformation expressions, and…
    • sample data
    • the result “=” after the transformation is applied

The first example provides labels and explanations, the rest of the examples omit the labels and explanations but follow the same syntax. I hope these are helpful to you!

NOTE: there are probably much better ways to do some of these, but hopefully if you’re a beginner like me these will at least provide you a simple starting point from which you can improve upon… also, make sure to checkout the Google screencasts for Google Refine, they are very helpful . 🙂

Sample data: 1931 ( Model A ) 103.5″
Expression: value[0,5]
Result: 1931
Explanation: retrieve the value of the cell, starting at character zero and including five characters

1952-1954 : New Yorker & New Yorker Special: 125-1/2; Custom Imperial: 133-1/2; Crown Imperial: 145-1/2

– : New Yorker & New Yorker Special: 125-1/2; Custom Imperial: 133-1/2; Crown Imperial: 145-1/2

1952-1954 : New Yorker & New Yorker Special: 125-1/2; Custom Imperial: 133-1/2; Crown Imperial: 145-1/2
: New Yorker & New Yorker Special: 125-1/2; Custom Imperial: 133-1/2; Crown Imperial: 145-1/2

Custom Imperial: 133-1/2
NOTE: /i applies case insensitive match in the following expression…
: 133-1/2

Crown Imperial: 145-1/2″
Crown Imperial: -/”

Crown Imperial: /
Crown Imperial:
More expressions, without example data:

value.replace(“NA”, cells[“Get to dimensions 6”].value[0,12])

Some links that provide additional info and help:

Google Refine: adding a new column that gives the local authority, ward or other details based on a postcode – Notes on spreadsheet formulae and CAR is how I used Google Refine to add extra columns to a spreadsheet which added information on constituency, local authority or other geographical information:1. Find a…
first_steps_in_google_refine [Underdone but not half-baked] will see each line of the wikitext source is a line in the Google Refine table. There are two sets of columns: the first set is labeled “All”, the second “Column”. The…
Recipes – google-refine – Useful recipes for achieving certain tasks in Google Refine – Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks) – Google Project Hosting are some examples of possible types of common string manipulation operations that you might encounter and how they can be achieved with the Google Refine Expression Language…
UnderstandingExpressions – google-refine – Understanding expressions. – Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks) you invoke the Transform command on, say, column “friend” and enter an expression, Google Refine will go through each row in the data (matching facets and filters,…
UnderstandingRegularExpressions – google-refine – Understanding regular expressions – Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks) – Google Project Hosting upon a time in the land of King ArthurThe number of spaces between consecutive words vary. In order to change the text so that there is precisely 1 space between any 2…
GRELOtherFunctions – google-refine – Other functions supported by the Google Refine Expression Language (GREL) – Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks) – Google Project Hosting   Other functions supported by the Google Refine Expression Language (GREL) Updated Nov 1, 2010 by dfhu…
Splitting Columns – google-refine | Google Groups the caps thing, if there’s only one in each cell, and it is not at the beginning of the text, then this should pick it out value.match(/.*[^A-Z]([A-Z]{2,}).*/)[0] David -…
ColumnEditing – google-refine – Editing columns. – Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks) – Google Project Hosting more elaborate rearrangement of columns, invoke the left-most drop-down menu in front of “All” and pick Edit columns > Reorder columns… This command also lets…

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