Category Archives: Misc Links

Improving drive distance in disc golf

I am working on improving my driving distance in disc golf. FYI I am a right hander that throws backhand. The following video featuring Dan Beto has been helpful in improving my distance. The first day practicing with his technique tips, my best throw was approximately 50 feet further than my prior best drive. Not bad for a days work! Top Search Terms:disc golf distance tips (5)disc golf driving tips (4)disc golf distance techniques (3)backhand disc golf (2)disc golf distance

Two WordPress plugins for database driven sites

Here are two plugin I am evaluating for use on a user-generated-content website: WordPress › Formidable Forms « WordPress Plugins and easily build forms with a simple drag-and-drop interface and in-place editing. There are dozens of form-building plugins out there to create forms, but most are… WordPress › AZIndex « WordPress Plugins Indexes for your WordPress Blog. Create alphabetical indexes of your posts, with headings, subheadings, and descriptions, based on post title, Download Version 0.8.1 Both have some very cool

How to find Branson keywords?

Hey JD, Can you give me a little education on something… I’m working on some marketing for the resort I am working on in Branson Missouri. Is there anyway to see what trends or keywords people are searching for when they are looking to vacation in Branson MO? I’m not sure if there is any way you can track that…If there is, we would obviously gauge our marketing material to those kind of key terms. And my next question is

Original Argyll and Bute Council original statement about ‘never seconds’

NOTE: scroll down for the Argyll and Bute ORIGINAL statement… This was posted to the very cool ‘never seconds‘ food blog recently: This morning in maths I got taken out of class by my head teacher and taken to her office. I was told that I could not take any more photos of my school dinners because of a headline in a newspaper today. I only write my blog not newspapers and I am sad I am no longer allowed

How to suspend DirecTV account?! [answer]

UPDATE: if they tell you that you have suspended the maximum amount allowed for the annual period, you may want to try telling them that “in that case I need to cancel my service”. In my experience, they will quickly accommodate you after that. If you’re going on vacation and want to suspend your DirecTV account while you’re away, here’s the phone number: 1-800-531-5000 and let them know you would like to suspend your service. Here are the requirements that DirecTV lists for

Hotel laundry bag, what is the strip for?

I always wondered what the thin tear off strip at the top of hotel laundry bags was used for. I finally found out: Tear off at perforation and use strip to tie bag 🙂 Top Search Terms: (16)hotel laundry bags (6)picture of laundry tag use at hotels (2)hotel laundry bag (2)how to tie laundry bag from hotel (1)how do you tie those hotel laundry bags (1)خشکشویی هتل چيست؟ (1)hotel+laundry+images (1)hotel perforated laundry bag (1)hotel laundry (1)

Webtop2SD notes for Motorola Photon on Sprint

How to install webtop2sd 2.0.1 How to tell if you’re actually booting from the SD card Are you actually booting from your SD card? You can find this out by checking the Diagnostics tab in webtop2sd, under “Currently mounted webtops”. If mmcblk1p12 [or similar? -JD] isn’t listed, you’re not booted from your SD card. If this is the case, report what ROM you’re running from. WebTopScripts – Fixing apt-get dependencies on WebTop Use this to get a

Sweet Designs (contest crash)

Unfortunately it looks like Amy Atlas slashdotted herself today 🙁 SWEET DESIGNS – AMY ATLAS EVENTShttp://blog.amyatlas.comWe hope you guys have had as much fun playing this game as we had putting it together and reading the posts.  We also hope that you loved the Sweet Designs Pastel Pretty chapter.… A cool scavenger hunt contest with a 4PM entry deadline came due today at her site. My wife briefly  described the contest to me and it seems as if 7 related (and some

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