Category Archives: Misc Links

HTC Evo 4G LTE Jellybean +more

S-ON, S-OFF Before updating EVO 4G LTE to Jellybean Nice stock Jellybean ROM for EVO 4G LTE Older cool ROMs (meanrom) Top Search Terms:meanrom jelly bean (3)november 2012 evo 4g roms (2)htc evo 4g lte jelly bean diag driver (1)htc diag jelly bean 4g lte (1)htc diag driver evo 4g lte (1)htc 4g lte jelly bean tips and tricks (1)find a diag driver for a htc evo lte with jellybean (1)evo lte diag driver

NZBMatrix is closed :-(

Visitors have been wondering ‘where to next’, i.e. what is a good alternative to NZBMatrix. One comprehensive source (but without comments and organization) is: 🙂 Here is their ‘End’ message: The End… It is with our regret to announce that NZBMATRIX has closed. We have had to make this decision due to a very large takedown request from a company called Wiggin LLC. These represent the following: Federation Against Copyright Theft Limited (“FACT”), Paramount Home Entertainment International Limited; Sony

CSS hortizontal lists, centered relatively or absolutely

A few useful CSS links, used while working on a recent project: 🙂 Top Search Terms:centering list items horizontally (slightly trickier than you might think) (1)cssdesk horizontal li list (1)

sdfv2000.exe SD Card Format download

Recently I was trying to recover a 32GB microsdhc card that had two partitions, one of which was inaccessible. One of the best tips I found was to try the sdfv2000.exe formatting program as it seems to be much more capable than the internal Windows formatting tools. However, I had a heck of a time finding the sdfv2000.exe program anywhere. Thankfully I finally found it and here is permanent mirror where you can download it too: [download id=”10489″ format=”1″] dl Best regards,

New ARM dual core 3G Chromebook from Samsung & Google

While the new $249 model looks good, the $329.99 version with 100mb of free Verizon 3G (per month for 2 years) looks even better to me 🙂 Samsung Chromebook (XE303C1) | Samsung Chromebook 3G WWAN included with this device for 2 years (up to 100MB per month) Fast Boot Technology allows you to boot in less than 10 seconds Weighing just under 2.5lbs and less… CPU / Processor: Samsung Exynos 5 Dual Top Search Terms:samsung xe303c1 review (2)arm chromebook upgrade ssd (2)chromebook

Oodles of new Pebble watch manufacturing photos

Screenshot of Pebble's imgur gallery

Pebble just emailed a new update to backers, in it there is a link to this cool page with lots of Pebble watch manufacturing photos: 🙂 Plastics Factory – Pebble watch – Imgur this album. This album is really big! Top Search Terms:casey imgur (2)pebble watch manufacturing (2)new pebble watch images (1)pebble watch photo gallery (1)pebble watch pics (1)where's pebble watch (1)

Ordering new iPod touch 5th gen, ship date? [ship oct 9th, 2012] [arrival on 12th]

UPDATE 2: the 5th generation iPod touch shipped out on Oct 9th 2012 via FedEx and has an expected arrival date of Oct 15th Oct 12th! (FedEx is ahead of schedule!!!) UPDATE 1: Amazon now has the entire 5th gen iPod touch line available for pre-order. I am considering canceling my Apple pre-order and switch to Amazon because there would be no sales tax in my state. UPDATE 0: the ship times and arrivals mentioned in this article are based

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