Category Archives: Misc Links

ACPI\SMO8810 Dell driver [SOLVED!]

Q. Hi, I just bought a Dell laptop and resinstalled Windows 7 on it. Now I have an unknown device ‘ACPI/SMO8810’. What driver can I download to fix it? A.Here is the download link to solve your ACPI/SMO8810 Unknown Device issue: [download id=”10495″ format=”1″], Dell dl link NOTE: That is the accelerometer that is built into your laptop. More details about free fall sensors: That free-fall sensor is an accelerometer which can detect movement (i.e. downward acceleration or falling) and using that sensor

Two takes on Intel’s NUC (pros/cons)

I am a big fan of Intel’s little NUCs. They are very easy to work on and their performance is entirely satisfactory for many purposes: I built one for my dad to use as an always on storage/downloading computer, and I built another as a green mini-web-server for a client. 🙂 Along those lines, here is a rather positive review detailing a NUC as HTPC setup: How we built a tiny home theater PC with Intel’s NUC | PCWorld PCs are getting

OK Soda and other crazy/failed sodas or beverages:

Crazy/failed sodas and beverages: In 1993, Coca-Cola CEO Roberto Goizueta rehired Sergio Zyman to be the chief of marketing for all Coca-Cola beverage brands, a surprising choice given that Zyman had worked closely with the New Coke campaign, possibly the largest advertising failure in Coke’s history.[1] However, after revamping the can design and print advertising campaigns for Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Classic with great success, Zyman was given free rein to design new products with aggressive, offbeat marketing campaigns.[2] via

Orbitz: drink with little suspended balls in it

I can remember trying Orbitz in high school, it actually was not too bad 🙂 Orbitz (soft drink) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Children of the 90s: Awesome Lunch Box Beverages of the 90s Orbitz: The Drink With Balls   Top Search Terms:drink with suspended balls (3)drink with little balls in it (2)orbitz drink amazon (1)orbitz drink (1)little balls in drink (1)energy drink with little balls suspended in it (1)soft drink with balls suspended in it (1)drink with small balls

Asus VivoBook S200E Review

I recently purchased an Asus VivoBook S200E from Staples. The actual purchase was a bit spur of the moment as it occured during a business trip to SC.  However, I had been eyeing that particular laptop since Christmas so when I happened to find a coupon to get the laptop for $399, the low price tag was too good to pass. Especially for a relatively powerful laptop, complete with touch capability, in a very nice travel-size. 🙂 Pros: Nice size

WiFi What is the correct three antenna configuration: Intel Centrino 6300 mini PCIe card?

Quoted question: […] The laptop has three antenna cables, black, white, and grey. One of them was not used on the old wireless module. The wireless seems to work with the assignment I’ve chosen, but I’ve been having some connectivity issues which are perhaps related to an improper configuration Quoted answer: […] white cable (main connector) black cable (aux connector) grey cable (middle connector for MIMO) […] via wireless networking – What is the correct antenna configuration for an Intel Centrino

Where can I find Intel NUC drivers?!

Here are two URLs directly from Intel: 🙂 Top Search Terms: (17) filter.aspx?productid=3590 (11)nuc drivers (7)intel nuc drivers (7) (6) filter.aspx?productid=3590 (5) filter.aspx?productid=3590e (4) 3590 (3) (3) (3)

Intel Ultimate-N 6300 agn driver download [SOLVED]

Q. Hi, I have a Dell laptop that I am clean installing Windows7 x64 on. Everything is going great except I cannot find drivers for my new Intel N6300 mini pci-e express wifi card ANYWHERE and it is driving me crazy! 🙁 Can you please help me find the correct drivers? 🙂 Thank you. A. Certainly, I am glad to help! Here are the latest drivers: (Intel DL listing link, or if that link is down [download id=”10493″ format=”1″]) More

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