Category Archives: Misc Links

Duke Nukem Forever game benchmarks (FPS)

There are only two computer games that I play these days: StarCraft 2 and Duke Nukem Forever. Both of which are sequels to venerable classics. StarCraft 2 is widely considered a worthy successor to SC1. Duke Nukem Forever is generally not considered to be worthy compared to it’s older counterpart Duke Nukem 3D. However, they are both surprisingly fun to play in multiplayer for exactly the opposite reasons: StarCraft 2 – one of the ultimate games when it comes to skill, it

Chase 5% Cash back rewards calendar (October-November-December 2011)

October-November-December 2011: 5% cash back categories for Chase Freedom credit cards Dining Department stores Movie theaters Charitable organizations Plus an extra 5% cash back on up to $1,500 spent at Kohl’s! So make sure to signup to activate your 5% cashback and save! PS you can find the 5% bonus signup link via your account or you can go directly to: More details for this earnings period: Earning: 5% cash back on up to $1,500 spent Period: October

Learning about Bitcoin mining

You’ve probably read some sensational news stories about Bitcoin mining, I know I have . 🙂 However, I had lunch with a buddy last month in Tulsa and it really altered my view on Bitcoin mining. I already had an abstract idea about random people out there using CPU/GPU computing power to generate blocks to continue the growth of Bitcoins, what I didn’t realize was that my buddy knew a guy that was sinking big bucks into a personal Bitcoin

Multi-download login from rapidshare, filesonic, megaupload etc. review

You have probably encountered the slow speeds and cumbersome login steps required if you ever use sites like rapidshare, filesonic, megaupload etc. to upload or download files. To bypass all those hurdles one option is buy premium memberships at each of those sites. However, this can be very expensive if you buy a membership at every site! A relatively new phenomenon in this area is the multi-site “one stop” premium subscription service. There is not a definitive name yet for this category

Tegra 3 Kal-El and buying a tablet (five cores!)

Recently I came this close to buying an ASUS Transformer Android tablet (and of course the requisite keyboard dock with extra battery power). Likewise, my buddy John refrained from buying a tablet until he got an awesome deal on a 32GB HP TouchPad for $149. My mom even has an iPad 2. Not to mention the folks that got 16GB TouchPads for $99! It must be tablet-fever time… so why did I refrain from buying a Transformer tablet? One word.

Auto fill username & password in Opera? [solved]

Q. I use Opera as my new web browser. But when I tell Opera to save my username and password for a site it does not seem to do. Like now when I go to the site it does NOT autofill the stored info. It does not even prompt me to save anymore login info for that site anymore. Can you help?! A. Yes! In all likelihood Opera did save your login info, however, to autofill that info you need

Difference between SATA (II) 3Gbs & SATA (III) 6gbps CABLES? [solved]

UPDATE #2: I now have a definitive answer to this question (whether you need new cables for 6GB/s SATA)… see below. UPDATE #1: make sure to checkout the first comment to this post, as John posted some great additional info! Q. Hello, I just got a super fast new Intel 510 SSD drive (and I have a C300 too). I’ve got a bunch of old SATA cables (back when SATA I/II 1.5 gbs 3 gbs was the max) and now

Best StarCraft 2 Gaming Keyboards

UPDATE: 2011.09.17 Corsair enters the gaming keyboard and mouse arena:   AnandTech – Corsair Enters the Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Market with Vengeance MMO/RTS targeted products are called the Vengeance K90 and M90. The K-series are for keyboards while the M-series refer to mice. The K90 is backlit with over 90 individual… […] . It uses Cherry MX mechanical red switches for each key which have a 2mm actuation travel (4mm total travel). UPDATE 2011.06.24: evaluating two new keyboards that arrived.

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