Category Archives: Ask J.D.

Construction update, bathtub update

Our house continues to take shape 🙂 After getting the roof on a week ago, not much has happened since. However, having everything dry and protected is VERY nice! We have had some snow and heavy frosts as well. Today we picked up Samantha’s 68″ cast iron tub from the freight dock in Springfield. The tub looks awesome and the crate barely fits in our Chevy Avalanche! It should fit perfectly in the master bath and we are running some extra

Fixed skewed pages in ScanSnap

I adore my Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500 scanner. It lets me scan 70+ pages with ease (simplex or duplex) all the while OCRing every shred of text and therefore saving me oodles of time. Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner for PC and Mac scanner which I really love. Easy to install and works seamlessly on my Windows 8 laptop. I use this all the time to scan and archive all the papers in my house and the… Read more However, today I

Order SQL query manually when numeric string representation is out of order

In some instances, doing a straight ORDER BY ASC (OR DESC) does not work as one might want: 0-50 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 51-100 601+ That is not how humans do it 😉 A way to get around this, is to add a new column and put in an ordering value, for instance: 1. 0-50 2. 51-100 3. 101-200 4. 201-300 5. 301-400 6. 401-500 7. 501-600 8. 601+ Now that is much better 🙂 Here is a real

We’re sorry, but you are attempting this transaction during a restricted time period set by your wireless account

If you get an error message like this: We’re sorry, but you are attempting this transaction during a restricted time period set by your wireless account owner. Then my suggestion is to restart your phone or reboot your wifi hotspot. That will likely resolve the issue for you 🙂

Disable Skype voicemail [SOLVED]

I use a Google Voice number in conjunction with Skype. It allows me to receive calls at home via satellite internet. However, when I miss a call I want Google to take the voicemail not Skype. Thankfully, the steps for disabling Skype voicemail are fairly easy. First, go to the following URL: Second, click to uncheck the voicemail setting: That is it, Skype voicemail is now disabled! 🙂 *PS you may have to disable this annual, as I believe certain

SQL Server: list all user defined functions in a database

Recently I inherited a database project where many of the functions were not listed nor documented. Thankfully, with the help of the always useful stackoverflow, I was able to find the following snippet for displaying all user functions: select name, definition, type_desc FROM sys.sql_modules m INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON m.object_id=o.object_id where type_desc like ‘%function%’ via sql server – SQL list of all the user defined functions in a database – Stack Overflow. Very cool! 🙂

Create PayPal subscription buttons [SOLVED]

Since PayPal came up with their new ‘streamlined’ interface, it seems to have made some core features very difficult to find 🙁 A prime instance is the subscription buttons and links. These tools are very useful for webmasters and anyone offering recurring services online. Here is how to find the subscription tools: #1 Login to PayPal: #2 Go to the ‘Buttons for subscriptions and recurring billing‘ page #3 Click ‘Create your button now‘ (you must be logged in for