Category Archives: computer tips

Dell XPS 13 vs E5450

Dell makes some of the best bang for the buck laptops, especially if you buy refurbished or used. Whereas a 2013 Apple laptop will still be very highly priced for the specs, Dell laptops depreciate rapidly. Thus, for $400-$800 you can get a very nice Dell. Likewise, Dell maintenance and upgradeability is also very good. SSD, RAM and WiFi upgrades are generally a piece of cake. I understand that Apple makes a premium product and that they have very high

Dell M2010 (luggable) SSD upgrade and video card fan fix

Here are some disassembly photos from a Dell M2010 upgrade. Two upgrades were performed: #1 SSD installation #2 “Always on” fan mod (this alleviates the NVIDIA GPU death issue) Enjoy šŸ™‚ Top Search Terms:dell luggable (1)dell m2010 (1)dell m2010 video card (1)dell m2010 video cards (1)dell xps m2010 2016 (1)m2010 dell upgrade (1)m2010 video fix (1)m2010 video upgrade (1)xps m 2010 ssd (1)

Deleting system/protected/recovery partitions from SSD [SOLVED]

The various system vendors (Dell, Lenovo, HP, etc.) generally use a large number of partitions on their SSDs and HDD. Here is an example from a recent Windows 10 laptop with a 256GB m.2 SSD boot drive: Partition 1 Recovery Partition 2 System Partition 3 OEM Partition 4 Reserved Partition 5 Primary Partition 6 Recovery Wow, that is a ton of partitions! Normally that many partitions is not a big deal, but if you want to quickly re-purpose an old

ScanSnap internal error occurred 0x1001 (s300, ix500, etc.) [SOLVED]

Are you getting a ScanSnap internal error occurred 0x1001 error message? After months of trouble free usage when saving to folder, I had that error pop-upĀ šŸ™ Thankfully, I did the following steps and everything is back to normal: How to fix the error #1 Try to save to Google Drive or one of the other options and verify that you canĀ complete the save (I was able to save to Google Drive) and this means the scanner is working properly #2

Q. Quicken register two lines [HOWTO] [SOLVED]

Q. I know you use Quicken from some of your other “tip” posts, can you help me with something? Specifically, I added a new checking account to Quicken Deluxe 2015 and the register seems to be stuck at one line-height for the new account šŸ™ How do I get it back to the old two lines?! Thx! -Tony M. A. Hi Tony, I think I can help! There are a couple of ways to do it: Click the “gear” icon

Adobe Creative Cloud uninstalled with errors

Recently I uninstalled Adobe Creative Cloud and the process was ratherĀ interesting: First I had to uninstall any individual applications (like Adobe Photoshop, otherwise CC would not uninstall), next I had to uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud (and it said it encountered errors), lastly I had to reboot and uninstall Adobe Creative CloudĀ again (and this time it was successful). Normally a reboot isn’t a big deal, but in this instance I had a multi-TB file transfer that still had about 5 hours

MS Windows 10 Pro Upgrade refund [SOLVED]

Recently I purchased an Acer Aspire R14 from Best Buy. It shipped with Windows 10 Home and I purchased the Windows 10 Pro upgrade via the Microsoft/Windows Store for $99. Unfortunately, the laptop failed and I had to return it. That meant that I was out the $99 I spent for the Win 10 Pro upgrade šŸ™ Thankfully, MS’s tech chat support was able to resolve the issue. The complete transcript, with details redacted, is posted below. Here are three

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