VMWare Tools font size problem [SOLVED]

Q. Please help, every time I try to set my VM font size to the right size, VMWare gives me this message:

VMware Tools has modified the user interface size settings. You must log off to apply these changes. Close all applications and press OK to log off now, or press Cancel to log off later.

It then promptly resets the size to the size that I do not want. 🙁 Do you know how I can fix this?! -Waylon Everett

A. Yes Waylon, I think I can help! Here are the steps to take with VMWare Workstation (12 Player and similar versions)

  1. Player -> Manage -> Virtual Machine Settings
  2. Under the Hardware tab, select display
  3. Under Display Scaling section, uncheck the box that says: “Automatically adjust user interface size in the virtual machine”

The next time you set the DPI scaling/font-size options on the VM, it should retain your settings 🙂

Screenshots showing the process:

Virtual machine settings

Virtual machine settings

Uncheck the box

Uncheck the box

I hope this helps!

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