Roomba flashing 24H, buttons won’t work [SOLVED, EASY FIX!]

Q. My Roomba keeps taunting me by blinking “24H” over and over! I have tried pressing all the buttons and it does nothing 🙁 How can I get my Roomba to work again?

A. Dear Rosy, I would recommend removing the battery and letting Roomba fully reset. To do this:

  1. remove the two Phillips head screws holding the battery cover in place
  2. carefully remove the battery
  3. wait 5 minutes (this is a great time to clean your Roomba’s various brushes and crevices)
  4. Reinstall battery and replace the two screws

Voila, your Roomba should now respond to button touches and you can reset the day/time etc. after that just press your CLEAN button and Roomba will start cleaning! 🙂

Best regards,

Followup from Rosy:




Related terms:

roomba flashing 24h

irobot flashing 24h

irobot roomba flashing 24h

roomba 780 flashing 24h

irobot roomba 780 24h flashing

Roomba 780 Battery Removed from the Robot


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