Minimize all windows/apps in Mac OSX Lion [solved]

Q. How do I quickly minimize all runnings apps/windows and show the Mac OSX desktop?!

A. The best way I know of is to press the F11 key (or Fn+F11 on some MacBook keyboards…) this should  push all your apps out of the way and show the desktop. To get your apps back in place, just press F11 again!

PS another method is to command+option+click on the desktop, (or instead of Desktop, a Finder window, or the Finder icon in the dock). I personally don’t like this method as well as F11…

I hope this helps!

More tips:

OS 10.4 - Minimize All Windows -

OS 10.4 – Minimize All Windows – Mac-Forums.com, What is the best way to minimize all windows, not close them to quickly get to the desktop? Thanks for your time!


To minimise all windows of the app in focus, press Command + Option + M

Otherwise, a better option is to press Command+H which will hide the application. That way, you don’t have to bring up each window from the dock

Of course, for quick access to the desktop, nothing beats the F11 key. Actually, there is. You can set one of your corners to “Show Desktop” in the dashboard and Expose preference and then with the flick of a mouse, you can access your desktop.

Do you have an alternative tip or suggestion? Let me know by commenting!


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