Increasing the PHP file upload limit for phpMyAdmin on IIS/FastCGI [SOLVED]

Recently I encountered a somewhat unusual web host. They were running FastCGI/PHP on MS IIS and they needed their PHP file upload limits increased. This is trivial on a normal PHP installation, but it took a bit more sleuthing to determine the proper location(s) for php.ini on this IIS install.

For reference, here are the locations:

C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.4\php.ini
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3\php.ini

The changes needed were:

upload_max_filesize = 200M
post_max_size =200M 

A few tips:

  1. Make the changes to the proper php.ini file as an administrator (depending on what version of PHP you are running)
  2. Save the file as an administator
  3. Restart IIS (run iisreset as an administrator)

After this, the client was able to upload files up to 200MB. 🙂

We need to increase this beyond 2048KB (2,048KiB)
Make the changes as an administrator
Make sure you update the proper php.ini file! In this instance it was the 7.4 version that needed to be changed.

If you encounter something similar, I hope this help! 🙂

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