Tag Archives: iis

Increasing the PHP file upload limit for phpMyAdmin on IIS/FastCGI [SOLVED]

Recently I encountered a somewhat unusual web host. They were running FastCGI/PHP on MS IIS and they needed their PHP file upload limits increased. This is trivial on a normal PHP installation, but it took a bit more sleuthing to determine the proper location(s) for php.ini on this IIS install. For reference, here are the locations: C:\Program Files\PHP\v7.4\php.ini C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3\php.ini The changes needed were: upload_max_filesize = 200M post_max_size =200M A few tips: Make the changes to the proper php.ini

Roundup of ISAPI rewrite filters for IIS

Here is a roundup of ISAPI rewrite filters for IIS, they let the webserver take a human friendly request like http://www.jdhodges.com/photos/1002 and rewrite it to a url that a dynamic scripting engine (such as ASP) can understands like http://www.jdhodges.com/photos.asp?photoID=1002 This benefits users who now have a legible URL and especially search engines like Google which are much more likely to index a page which appears to be static than a dynamic looking URL string: Reasons your site may not be

301 Redirects on IIS A Tale of Two URLs

301 Redirects on IIS A Tale of Two URLs Most websites, including mine, have the same content for their domainname as well as for www+their domain name. For instance at my site in the past if you went to jdhodges.com you’d get the same thing as www.jdhodges.com. The problem with this is that Google and other search entries treat www.yourdomain.com and yourdomain.com as two completely different sites, this can result in your pagerank being split between multiple sites and duplicate