Category Archives: Work

How to fix Customized Recent Comments duplicate comments

Customized Recent Comments is a great plugin for displaying recent comments on your WordPress blog. It has all the features I need and requires minimal install and setup. With most ‘recent comments’ plugins/widgets, if you (the blog owner) respond to a bunch of comments at once, you end up having your comments take up the entire recent comments listing 🙁 Thankfully, one of my favorite features of the plugin is its ability to exclude particular commenters from being listed. 🙂 However, the only issue I have

List of Dell E6430 Drivers for a clean Windows 7 or Win 8 install

Please note: Dell has been having some major issues with their drivers/support site recently. Currently (as of Feb 8th 2013) this page only lists “The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.” 🙁 Therefore, here is a mirror of their drivers listing for the E6430 laptop. I hope this is helpful to you if their site remains down! 🙂 Drivers for Latitude E6430 View the full details here Click here for all drivers (including historical drivers) Quick Links

ACPI\SMO8810 Dell driver [SOLVED!]

Q. Hi, I just bought a Dell laptop and resinstalled Windows 7 on it. Now I have an unknown device ‘ACPI/SMO8810’. What driver can I download to fix it? A.Here is the download link to solve your ACPI/SMO8810 Unknown Device issue: [download id=”10495″ format=”1″], Dell dl link NOTE: That is the accelerometer that is built into your laptop. More details about free fall sensors: That free-fall sensor is an accelerometer which can detect movement (i.e. downward acceleration or falling) and using that sensor

[Err] [Bak] 1286 – Unknown table engine ‘InnoDB 00:00:00’

Last night I had an error show up a couple times while using Navicat to backup database on This was the error: [Err] [Bak] 1286 – Unknown table engine ‘InnoDB 00:00:00’ On this server MyISAM was preferred so I had specifically disabled InnoDB, yet something was trying to deal with InnoDB and it was causing the backup error . To determine which table(s) were causing the problem, I used the following SQL statement: SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA =

JPEG compression and JPEG quality in WordPress

While working on part of the Branson’s Nantucket website I needed to find a way to reduce page load times. Of course there are many ways to do this but one thing that immediately stood out was JPEG file size. Some JPEGs were 400kb+ and there were a number of them to be loaded on one page. That may be fine for people with super-fast internet connections, but alas many people (myself included) sometime make due with relatively slow connections. What

Custom menus CSS in WordPress

While working on a project I needed to use a particular CSS class for a particular WordPress menu item, thankfully the following resources told me how. The first link was the most helpful, but all of them have some insights into menus on WordPress. 🙂 How to Add a Custom Class to a WordPress Menu Item – SevenSpark is a question I get a lot related to UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin, though it’s actually baked into WordPress Core.

List of silent fanless laptops

For those of us that appreciate quiet, and the removal of one more point of failure, fanless computers are a wonderful thing. 🙂 While building a fanless desktop computer is quite easy, finding a fanless laptop is quite hard! To make things a bit easier for others interested in fanless laptops, I am compiling a list of laptops that are fanless (or that can be converted to fanless) as well as general resources and links on the topic. [the remainder