Category Archives: Travel

Work update from paradise

I may be in Hawaii, I’m still doing as much or more work as usual. It’s just a lot warmer here ;-). Today I’ve been working on some simple improvements for NetRender (NR), it’s a site that sells hi-res textures. John is my partner on the site and we try to improve the site anytime we can. Here’s what I’ve been up to: +backed up everything (as part of our periodic backup schedule) +removed the credit card logos from the

Hawaii: Day 1 Transportation and Groceries

The time is 11:22AM and so far it has been a good day :-). I got up at 7AM Hawaii time, which is 11AM Missouri time. I did some work and then at about 8:30AM it was starting to warm up so we began our trek. We walked 4.3 miles, the longest portion of the walk was along scenic Alii drive. The walk is punctuated by gorgeous views of the ocean and the coast. Here is Samantha at the starting

Hawaii: Day 0 (Departure)

We’re in the Spfd airport, warm and out of the snow.  Our flight is now scheduled for 8AM (instead of 7:40AM). Apparently the crew was delayed getting in the night before. They are required to get a minimum amount of rest, so our flight is slightly delayed. We’re all for the crew having plenty of rest, so no biggie :-). The new Springfield terminal is pretty nice, power (AC and USB) outlets under a number of seats and the wifi

Lush Summer in Missouri

We’re back from our Colorado vacation and WOW, everything is amazingly green here in Missouri! For August, this is the most lush I ever remember seeing the vegetation. There must have been some serious rains while we were gone. The following photo is meant to show the almost jungle like state of the forest around here ;-). Hopefully we will have a lot of black walnuts this year! The pine trees I planted, which are about three years old, grew

Our Cabin in Burrows Park Circa 2009

This post was inspired by Jes and Neil. They posted a beautiful vintage photo of Estes Park Colorado circa 1909. The colors and age of the photo make it very unique and beautiful to my eye. So, I decided to try to emulate that look using a digital photo of our cabin. Here is the final result, circa 2009: It makes me very happy that parts of Colorado still remain pristine and primitive after a hundred years :-).