Category Archives: tech tips

Cheapest cargo pants with a tech pocket

If you like cargo pants as much as I do then you’re probably in the market for a nice pair with a tech pocket for your Android phone or iPhone. 🙂 These Wranglers fit the bill and come in a variety of colors and sizes. You can find them at, K-Mart or Wal-Mart for around $16. 100% cotton 2 front pockets 2 back pockets 3 side cargo flap pockets 1 cell phone pocket Button and zipper closure Rating Overall

Kindle for iPad, error fix by deregistering

My wife received the following error when trying to download and read a Kindle book on her 1st generation iPad: Please remove the book from your device and redownload it from your archived items. If the problem peesists, try to deregister your application and register it again. Here is step-by-step how to get things working! PS if this was useful to you, please let me know how you rate it on a scale of 1 to 5, thanks! [starreview tpl=16]

Exede satellite internet review

Long-Term Exede Internet Review (May 2012-2016) NOTE: There is a a lot of information in the comments at the bottom of this review, feel free to ask your own Exede questions there or share your own satellite internet experiences! Thank you, –JD 2016.06 My Exede modem’s Ethernet ports recently stopped working. Currently waiting to hear back from them on when they will be able to replace it. 2014.Feb Still pleased with Exede, the speeds reach their advertised rates and the usage

Missing shares after unexpected unraid shutdown

Recently I had a power outage to my unRAID NAS server. After booting back up I was quite concerned when I browsed to the SAMBA location for the server and found no shares! Thankfully, after waiting a few minutes (10-15) all shares were back 🙂 A parity check had automatically been initiated and I allowed it to complete. No errors were found. A few other users reported that they had to reboot to have their shares appear. However, my recommendation

Error 103 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED) Unknown error.

If you receive this error: Error 103 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED): Unknown error. when when using Google Chrome to visit sites like Amazon , or when trying to place an order on Amazon then you may want to check your extensions/plugins settings: (Click the wrench icon to the right of the Chrome taskbar -> Settings -> Extensions) For me, there was a plugin called: Autocomplete = on1.0 which changes ‘autocomplete=off’ to ‘autocomplete=on’ in web pages, so your passwords will be remembered. After disabling this plugin

Webtop2SD notes for Motorola Photon on Sprint

How to install webtop2sd 2.0.1 How to tell if you’re actually booting from the SD card Are you actually booting from your SD card? You can find this out by checking the Diagnostics tab in webtop2sd, under “Currently mounted webtops”. If mmcblk1p12 [or similar? -JD] isn’t listed, you’re not booted from your SD card. If this is the case, report what ROM you’re running from. WebTopScripts – Fixing apt-get dependencies on WebTop Use this to get a

Sweet Designs (contest crash)

Unfortunately it looks like Amy Atlas slashdotted herself today 🙁 SWEET DESIGNS – AMY ATLAS EVENTShttp://blog.amyatlas.comWe hope you guys have had as much fun playing this game as we had putting it together and reading the posts.  We also hope that you loved the Sweet Designs Pastel Pretty chapter.… A cool scavenger hunt contest with a 4PM entry deadline came due today at her site. My wife briefly  described the contest to me and it seems as if 7 related (and some