Increase audio quality in Remote Desktop Connections
I really dislike fuzzy/tinny audio. Sometimes RDP connections with RDC clients results in laggy and/or poor quality audio. A two step tip that you can use to try and solve these problem in Windows7:
#1 on the server (the machine you are connecting to)
Using the Group Policy editor, Go to Computer Configuration:Administrative Templates:Windows Components: Remote Desktop Session Host:Device and Resource Redirection. Set “Limit audio playback quality.” to “Enabled,” and set “Audio Quality” option “to High”.
#2 on the client (the machine you are connecting FROM) save and edit the RDP file for the connection and add set audioqualitymode:i:2 to the file (you can use Notepad or a similar text editor to do this)
More info and sources:
What’s New in Remote Audio for Windows 7? – Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services) Team Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs this feature requires changes to both the server- and client-side configuration. On the server, the easiest way to enable this feature is from the Group Policy editor.… [thanks for the tip!!!]
Remote desktop audio quality audio remoting stack caps the audio signal being transmitted to 22 kilohertz (kHz), resulting in a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 86 KBps. The RDP stack then compresses the…
Older RDP settings – for reference purposes
RDP File Settings new Terminal Services client (version 2600 and newer, 5.1.2600.x) introduces quite a few new capabilities. A major client-side convenience is that connection settings…
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- remote desktop sound quality (32)
- rdp choppy audio (21)
- audioqualitymode:i:2 (13)
Thank you for this quick tip! RDP audio is much better. Still not perfect, but definitely not jumping around the audio qualities like it was.
Hi Mat,
Excellent, glad it helped!
Best regards,
Problems with audio quality is a very common issue when using RDP. In addition to J.D.’s suggestions for changing settings, you can also look at Ericom Blaze, a software product that accelerates and compresses standard RDP, including audio.
You can read more about Blaze and download a free evaluation at:
Please note that I work for Ericom
Hi Adam,
Thank you for your comment and for the disclosure. The Blaze software looks cool and I am all for anything that can speed up RDP! 🙂
Have a great week,
PS Do you have any pricing info available for individuals or small organizations?
Hi J.D,
Thanks for the response. You can send an email to and someone will get back to you with pricing.
Thank you Adam, I will send them an email.
My company has provided me with a Chromebook to keep at home in the event that I can’t get to the office for whatever reason (snow emergency, just working from home, etc.). I am a help desk agent using Zultys MX, which is not available as a Chrome app. So I have to use Remote Desktop on the Chromebook, but my company disabled the audio on the Remote Desktop machine because, as my IT guy put it, “audio sucks on Remote Desktop.”
Ordinarily when I am in the office on my Windows laptop, I just use the softphone function with a USB headset. As a workaround when I use the Chromebook, I just forward calls to my cell phone, but that comes with its own downsides.
Any ideas for how to get better two-way audio via Remote Desktop — on a Chromebook?
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your comment. I apologize for taking so long to reply!
That is a tough one. Normally in a local office environment with good WiFi or LAN, I find Remote Desktop audio to be acceptable (especially with the tweaks listed at the top of this page). However, if the office or home connection is high latency or low speed, then I think your IT guy is probably right… audio quality would “suck” 🙁
Will work allow Chrome Remote Desktop? If so it might be worth a shot 🙂
Best regards,
The new URL for the linked MS blog article is:
Hi Lee,
Thank you kindly for the new URL! I have updated the article to reflect the new URL. 🙂
Best regards,
This blog is still relevant today! Solved my ridiculous 1 minute audio delay, impossible to have online meetings. Thanks!
Dear Antony,
That is AWESOME news! I am very glad this tip helped you with your audio during online meetings! 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to comment and I hope you have a GREAT day!
Best regards,
Just wanted to let you know that this tip helped me even though you posted it almost 9 years ago!
Glad I could help!! 👍😀