How to cancel Dish TV service [solved]
Dish still doesn’t offer an option to cancel via their website 🙁 Nor will they cancel via chat 🙁 So if you need to cancel your Dish TV service:
- Call: 866-218-2297
- Press “1” for English
- Press “1” to confirm your account (they look it up via the phone number you are calling from)
- Enter four digit account security code
- Talk to an account representative and request to cancel service they will likely offer you a discount or offer to put your service on hold for a period of time*
*NOTE: in my case, I was already on the $20 monthly package as we only use it for basic channels and we only use it in late winter. They offered to put my account on hold for 9 months (the maximum) and to reduce my rate by half (to $10) when I resume service. The also included HBO and Cinemax for a quarter for free when I resume. Overall I was satisfied with this offer and decided to do the hold for 9 months. Resuming service just requires a call back to them. Of course, if you want to cancel that is definitely a viable option, just stick with it and repeatedly tell them that you need to cancel.
Here is a chat transcript for getting that initial phone number:
Deb (ID: FW7): Hi, my name is Deb (ID: FW7). How may I help you?
JD: Good morning Deb, I need to cancel my account. Can you help me with that or give me the number to call?
Deb (ID: FW7): I will be happy to assist you. Thank you JD for providing your account information and PIN when launching the chat. I have your account loaded and have verified your information.
Deb (ID: FW7): I am sorry to hear that. I will be happy to refer you to one of our account specialists to cancel the account. For informational purposes, may I ask why you are wanting to cancel the services? I will note the account for the specialist.
JD: Thank you for your assistance Deb. We just haven’t been using our service so would like to cancel.
Deb (ID: FW7): Thank you. Please dial 866-218-2297 between 7 am and 1 am Eastern Time, 7 days a week to speak with one of our account specialists. They will further assist you.
Deb (ID: FW7): Is there anything else I can help you with today?
JD: That was everything, thanks Deb and have a great day!
Deb (ID: FW7): You’re welcome. Thank you for being a valued DISH customer and allowing me to help. Have a great rest of your day!
Deb (ID: FW7) has disconnected.