Make Amazon MP3 stores downloads on SD card
I have been investigating the best way to have Amazon’s Android MP3 player store music downloads on a MicroSD card (instead of internal storage). So far reports are somewhat conflicting… I hope to have some better, and definitive, news to report soon!
Amazon MP3 won’t save music files to SD Card the HTC Incredible was first launched, it did not include the Amazon MP3 app. However, I was able to find it on the web and install it. At that time, it saved my music files to my SD Card,…
Save Downloads to SD anyone know how I can set items to download (amazon mp3, dowloand pics from gmail, etc) to my SD rather than internal? E.g., when I download pictures from gmail or music from amazon mps, it…
Amazon MP3 Mover – Android Apps on Google Play, you can control your Amazon MP3 download location!The current Amazon MP3 app does not allow you to specify a location for downloaded MP3 files. This can cause a problem on devices with… Customer Discussions: Android app desperately needs option to set download location will still use the app as I have already purchased the songs but I will not be making anymore purchases until this is fixed.
What’s funny is the Amazon MP3 store downloader automatically downloads to the micro SD card in my Motorola Droid. I observed similar behavior with my HP Touchpad running CyanogenMod (have it set to dual boot with WebOS so the WebOS partition shows up as a ‘SD card’ in Android). I’m guessing they store to the storage device with the most free space/capacity. The OG Droid has so little internal (non-SD) storage I could only fit a few songs on it.
Hola John,
Thanks for the info. That is good news about the Droid. On my SGS4 it does not store on the microSD card. However, I first installed the app before mounting a card. Then I installed the card and no dice. So I uninstalled/re-installed the app and tried again. Still no luck. 🙁
Eventually I’ll reset my device to factory defaults and try again but so far the results are disappointing. I really wish Amazon would add an option for directly setting where music is stored!