Set your own date format in MySQL

Use DATE_FORMAT in MySQL to create your date strings formatted however you like:

SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created),’-‘,DATE_FORMAT(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created,’%m’) ,’-‘,DATE_FORMAT(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created,’%d’)) AS creationDate, Count( As reservationsMade FROM res_hotel_booking_bookings WHERE res_hotel_booking_bookings.created >= ‘2013-10-15 00:00:00’ AND res_hotel_booking_bookings.created <= ‘2013-10-17 24:00:00’ GROUP BY YEAR(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created), MONTH(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created), DAY(res_hotel_booking_bookings.created) ORDER BY creationDate DESC

There are more concise ways to do this, but this was adapted from an earlier method that used CONCAT so I stuck with that… 🙂

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