Tag Archives: wifi

SOOSPY wifi camera, default username and password

The default WiFi SSID is the same as what is printed on the QR code sticker. The default IP address is: (connect to its wifi network and DHCP will give you an address like The default username is: admin The default password is: [BLANK] (no password, do not enter password) More details and an old Amazon review: Decent clear picture and reasonably discreet as advertised. The BVCAM software for IOS did work, though can be mildly confusing what they

How to check WiFi speeds in Windows 10 [Solved]

Question. How can I check wifi speeds in Windows 10 Pro? Answer. Here are two methods to check Windows 10 wifi connection speeds: #1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) method Press Windows Key + R and type ncpa.cpl Press Enter Double-click the WiFi adapter that you want to check The Wi-Fi Status window will display: #2 Command Prompt text method Open a Command Prompt (or Press Windows Key + R and type cmd) Type netsh wlan show interfaces and press Enter You will

Pearl RearVision Auto Reset (rear view camera)

NOTE: as of late 2018, it appears these steps may no longer work 🙁 They are still listed here for reference purposes, in the even that Pearl decides to fix the issue! Having trouble connecting to your RearVision? To recover your password or fix connectivity issues just perform this quick reset. Please note that it is a very time sensitive process. You need to make sure you are on the latest version of the Pearl RearVision App (and cannot be

Honeywell WiFi Thermostat Installation Videos [COMPLETE]

Honeywell makes some nice Wi-Fi thermostats, but some of their instructional videos have broken links. This can be quite inconvenient when you need to review the setup process:-( Therefore, I created this page which shows the videos for your convenience: 🙂 I hope these videos are helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions! Top Search Terms:wifithermostat.com/videos (280)wifithermostat/videos (22)https://www.jdhodges.com/blog/wifi-7-day-thermostat-rth6580wf-setup-videos/ (16)wifithermostat videos (10)wifithermostat.com installation (9)wifithermostat.com (9)wifithermostat.com installation-videos (8)honeywell wifi thermostat videos (5)wifithermostat.comvideos (5)wifithermostat.com/video (5)

Eero wishlist

Eero makes a rather splendid WiFi device, however, there is certainly room for improvement! As such, here is my wishlist for future Eero enhancements or revisions: Dual WAN failover option load balancing option PoE support Per device bandwidth usage statistics QR code or barcode scanning for setup (when bluetooth fails, manually entering a device ID is a pain) Despite the simplistic feature-set of the Eero, I do still like it. Here’s hoping they choose to enable some additional functionality for their faithful

Grand Imperial, Silverton CO WiFi speeds

The Grand Imperial has traditionally been a lovely hotel in Silverton CO. The hotel’s antique charm and vintage rooms were the main draws: Now, however, their wifi speeds are also quite attractive: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5433605188 The connection has also been rock solid over the course of a two day stay. No disconnects and consistent speeds of 5Mb/s-6Mb/ This compares very favorably to a few years ago when most WiFi in Silverton was quite slow and spotty! It also beats AT&T 4G service in Silverton which currently maxes

Residence Inn Marriott, Springfield MO [business WiFi review]

I regularly stay in Springfield MO and Branson MO for business. I normally test the speeds at every hotel I stay in. Recently I stayed at the Marriott Residence Inn in Springfield MO and here are the results: ~2.0Mbps D/L* ~0.9Mbps U/L* *average of multiple tests throughout stay. Max D/L was 3Mbps, min was 1Mbps. Max U/L was always around 0.9Mbps. Overall, these are some of the worst speeds I have seen in southern Missouri. You can pay $8.95 a day for higher speeds,

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