Tag Archives: video

Getting QuickSync to work in DVDFab [solved]

Q. I am trying to get Intel Quick Sync to work in DVDFab but my speeds seem to still suck bad… whats wrong???!!! -Comprfanz A. Can you elaborate on your compression settings/profile? Q. Surely its two pass with 1500kbs and its a DVD I own that Im using the DVD ripper for to got to mp4… A. Okay, please try it as one pass instead of two pass… DVDFab seems to have a bug that prevents QuickSync from kicking in

Dell M6500 (and M6400) eGPU setup and limitations

If you are interested in using an eGPU (DIY ViDock) solution with a particular laptop, it can be REALLY hard to wade through 500+ pages of eGPU info over at the notebookreview forum! So, here are a couple brief excerpts to make things easier for Dell notebook owners.  Make sure to checkout the original thread pages (at the source links below) for more info! DIY eGPU experiences – Page 549 [Dell M6400 info]Source URL: http://forum.notebookreview.com/gaming-software-graphics-cards/418851-diy-egpu-experiences-549.html#post7896823 Relevant portion for M6400 owners… PROBLEM:

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