Tag Archives: search

Windows 8.1 disable web search

I like the Windows 8 search feature as it allows you to quickly find settings, programs and other items with a quick text search. However, I do not like the new Window 8.1 Bing web searches that get integrated into the search pane 🙁 The web searches: -make the entire process seem slower and less responsive -raise privacy issues, as your searches (which may be intended to be local and private) are sent to MS -make the results more confusing

Drastically improved search for jdhodges.com (WordPress based blog)

While using the internal search feature on my blog recently, I realized how worthless it was. As an example, searching for ‘exede review‘ came up with a bunch of mildly relevant results but by far the most relevant search result was on the second page. Not good. 🙁 Default WordPress search stinks The reason this happened is that by default WordPress sorts search results by date. So if you happen to have some recent posts that contain a keyword, they will

How to find Branson keywords?

Hey JD, Can you give me a little education on something… I’m working on some marketing for the resort I am working on in Branson Missouri. Is there anyway to see what trends or keywords people are searching for when they are looking to vacation in Branson MO? I’m not sure if there is any way you can track that…If there is, we would obviously gauge our marketing material to those kind of key terms. And my next question is

Make Windows 7 fulltext search PHP documents

Recently while trying to find the PHP file that I needed to edit, I was once again frustrated by Windows seeming inability to search the text contained in PHP files 🙁 Windows obviously has the capability to do file content searches since it does so for .txt files. Finally I got fed up with it and decided to find out how to enable full text searching of .php documents. Here is what worked for me, I hope you will find