Tag Archives: phone

How do I enter the unlock code on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8? [SOLVED]

Question: How do I enter the code to unlock my Samsung Galaxy Note 8? Answer: Go to your phone’s dialer and enter the following code: #7465625*638*# After entering that code you will be prompted to enter your unlock code 🙂 NOTE: these instructions work for AT&T based Note 8’s and should also work on most other GSM carriers. Top Search Terms:unlock “leave a comment” (4)unlock “leave a comment” (2)note 8 #7465625*638*# (1)note 8 unlock code (1)note 8 unlock code enter

Loudest Cell Phone 2016

I regularly use my phone while running with my buddies. Generally we just use the phone speakers so we don’t have to mess with headphones and we can all listen to music. My trusty Nexus 6P was recently destroyed, so while waiting for a replacement for my Nexus 6P (THANK YOU Nexus Protect!), I decided to check what phones are the LOUDEST. Here is my current research, from quite loud 78dB+ to rather quiet 70dB- [visualizer id=”9250″] So far, I

Google Find My Phone (even if Device Unavailable)

Google has been adding more action oriented features to their engine. One of the most useful is “find my phone”. If you have an Android phone you can try finding it here: https://www.google.com/search?q=find+my+phone Also, even if the map/screen says “Device Unavailable” you may still be able to “Ring” the phone… this will ring the phone for 5 minutes and this is exactly what I did this morning to find my phone (which was hiding in the covers) ;-). Top Search Terms:find

We’re sorry, but you are attempting this transaction during a restricted time period set by your wireless account

If you get an error message like this: We’re sorry, but you are attempting this transaction during a restricted time period set by your wireless account owner. http://redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi Then my suggestion is to restart your phone or reboot your wifi hotspot. That will likely resolve the issue for you 🙂 Top Search Terms:http://redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi (6)redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com (3)http://redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi?msg=2 (2)we're sorry, but your message could not be delivered because you are in a restricted time period set by your wireless account owner. (2)redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/ (2)data

How to save a wet cell phone!

A good friend recently jumped in the river with his Motorola cell phone… I waded into a stream with a Canon compact camera in my cargo pant pockets… a friend droped her iPhone in the toilet…. What do these stories have in common? Wet electronics 🙁 Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to (hopefully) salvage your electronics in the event you get them terribly wet:   When the Sahara is not an option: The best ways to

Verizon Double Data plan ANSWERS

I had some questions about the Verizon ‘Double Data’ promotion they are currently running. Here is the chat transcript of the questions I asked the Verizon representative. I hope these answers are helpful to you if you have similar questions about their data plan promotion 🙂 Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience. You are now chatting with ‘Stephanie R. ‘ Stephanie R. : Hello. Thank you for visiting our

Disable Sprint proxies for faster DL/UL speeds

I recently disabled the proxies that were set at the defaults on my Motorola Photon phone. After that, my 3G download speeds were noticeably faster 🙂 4G is spotty in my area but I will do more testing on that next time I have good coverage again. Here are the screenshots of the process: (click the thumbnails for larger non-cropped images) I also plan on posting speedtest results and detailed instructions eventually, but if the screenshots aren’t enough for you

Who called me from (866) 542-6911? Answered

Q. Who called me from (866) 542-6911? A. This number is normally an automated call from Sprint asking you to answer a phone survey about your recent support session with them. If you miss the call, they will likely call back again later… or you can call the number yourself to answer the questions… or you can just ignore the calls 🙂 Top Search Terms:866-542-6911 (102)(866) 542-6911 (28)866 542 6911 (22)ptv1000 vs ptv2000 (7)866-5426911 (5)866 542-6911 (4)ptv2000 vs ptv1000 (2)866 5426911 (2)ptv1000

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