Tag Archives: jdhodges.com

Permalink Updates on WordPress

For a very long time this post’s permalink URL would have been: http://www.jdhodges.com/2013/07/permalink-updating-wordpress/ But now it is: http://www.jdhodges.com/blog/permalink-updating-wordpress/ I made this adjustment primarily because an old URL like this one: http://www.jdhodges.com/2012/05/exede-wildblue-satellite-internet-review/ Even if the actual content was updated the URL made it look like it was only updated in 2012. The new permalink structure is shorter and more relevant, so far I love it! 🙂 However, one should exercise caution when doing this type of update as it can wreak

Drastically improved search for jdhodges.com (WordPress based blog)

While using the internal search feature on my blog recently, I realized how worthless it was. As an example, searching for ‘exede review‘ came up with a bunch of mildly relevant results but by far the most relevant search result was on the second page. Not good. 🙁 Default WordPress search stinks The reason this happened is that by default WordPress sorts search results by date. So if you happen to have some recent posts that contain a keyword, they will