Permalink Updates on WordPress

For a very long time this post’s permalink URL would have been:

But now it is:

I made this adjustment primarily because an old URL like this one:

Even if the actual content was updated the URL made it look like it was only updated in 2012. The new permalink structure is shorter and more relevant, so far I love it! 🙂

However, one should exercise caution when doing this type of update as it can wreak havoc with 404 errors, lost search engine traffic and much more. As such here are some of the guides I utilized to make sure I made the switch as seamless as possible:

Removing Year/Month/Date from WP permalinks:

How to Update Your WordPress Permalinks Without Causing Link Rot is a follow-up to my earlier post Seamless Permalink Updating. The problem I faced was that I wanted to change my WordPress permalink settings from being date and name based to something which…

Permalink Evolution: Customize and Optimize Your Dated WordPress Permalinks

Permalink Evolution: Customize and Optimize Your Dated WordPress Permalinks, there has been much discussion about whether or not to remove the post-date information from WordPress permalinks 1. Way back during the WordPress 1.2/1.5 days, URL post-date…

Remove Date (Year/Month/Day) in WordPress Permalink URL Structure with Redirect Rewrite Rule in .htaccess

Remove Date (Year/Month/Day) in WordPress Permalink URL Structure with Redirect Rewrite Rule in .htaccess date in URL unnecessary adds to the length of URL. If you decide to strike off and remove the /yyyy/mm/dd or /yyyy/mm from the URL structure of the WordPress permalinks, here’s the…

Updating existing internal links (so a redirect is not required for links in your posts)

Using Search Regex to Remove Dates from URLs in Internal Links — BlogCrafted

Using Search Regex to Remove Dates from URLs in Internal Links — BlogCrafted you’ve changed your permalink structure from /2010/05/25/post-title to plain old /post-title/ but all your internal links are still to the old format. How do you fix this? Well, you can…

Search Regex – WordPress search with regular expressions | Urban Giraffe

Search Regex – WordPress search with regular expressions | Urban Giraffe Regex adds a powerful set of search and replace functions to WordPress. These go beyond the standard searching capabilities, and allow you to search and replace almost any data stored on your…


2013.07.09 UPDATE: I also had to update my category base to ‘category’ and my  tag base to ‘tag’ because after the setting described in the articles above were implemented, my categories were /blog/category/some-category/ and my tags were /blog/tag/some-tag/ whereas I just wanted them to stay the same as before: /category/some-category/ and /tag/some-tag/ 🙂

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