Tag Archives: hp

HP Folio 13 Review

Model: Folio 13-1029wm Notebook PC Pros: Very reasonable price at $498 Very nice size and weight Good looks Solid build quality Fairly good display quality Bright backlit keyboard Excellent battery life (6-7 hours) Cons: Difficult to upgrade the RAM or replace the SSD Up/down arrow keys are combined with Page up / Page down and are MUCH too small The cooling fan is on quite often and is rather noisy when you have the laptop on your lap Glossy ‘glare’

Tip: shock protection unnecessary if you have a SSD!

The Lenovo X220 ThinkPad, as well as many Dell & HP laptops, ship with a form of anti-shock protection enabled by default. This is great if your laptop has a conventional hard drive that can be easily damaged by a fall or drop. The laptop is smart enough to pause disk activity and ‘park’ the head (or other similar techniques) to prevent disk damage. However, if your laptop is exclusively using a SSD (solid state drive) then that protection is

ACPI/HPQ0004 PCI Unknown Device Driver [solved]

Q. Hello, I have a HP laptop showing ACPI/HPQ0004 unknown device and I need to find the right drivers. I saw you helped Dell users with a similar problem… Can you help me with this one too? Here is the deal: Clean Windows 7 install on my HP Pavilion DV6. Every other HP driver is working perfectly and Device manager looks great EXCEPT!!! I have an unknown device with listing ACPI/HPQ0004. Please help as I really want to get the right

Better two-finger scrolling for Windows! (like 2011 MacBooks and MacBook Air)

On Windows, missing the MacBook’s nice two finger scrolling… After returning a MacBook Air 11.6″ to Apple, I was surprised that I only really missed the very nice two finger scrolling. Some of the other Apple multitouch gestures were nice, but it was the really the smooth two finger scrolling on that nice trackpad that was so VERY handy and I missed the convenience! My Dell laptops have multitouch capable touchpads that support two finger scrolling. Unfortunately by default they