Tag Archives: excel

How to Export MS SQL Server Query Results to CSV with Column Headers āœØ[SOLVED]

Exporting query results from Microsoft SQL Server to a CSV file is one of those tasks many IT people end up doing at some point in their career. But if youā€™ve ever hit ā€œSave Results Asā€¦ā€ and found your CSV file missing the column headers, you know how annoying it can be. Luckily, thereā€™s an easy fix, and Iā€™m here to show you how to do it step-by-step. āš™ TL;DR ā˜•ļø Set up SSMS to include column headers when exporting

EXCEL: How to extract text before a comma, space or period [SOLVED]

Excel tip:Ā  If you try to extract text before a space ” “, comma “,” or period “.” in Excel you may try something along these lines: =LEFT(A2,(FIND(” “,A2,1)-1)) However, if you have non-matching records, i.e. something without a space in the previous example then you will get the following result: #VALUE! Since that is probably not what you wanted, try the following: =IFERROR(LEFT(A2,(FIND(” “,A2,1)-1)),A2) Which will result in either (A) the shortened result (where applicable) or (B) the original

Keep formatting in Excel when copying/pasting from web page

Question from B.G.: Sorry to bother. How can I export and keep the integrity of the web page table columns? When I copy and paste to excel, it puts all data to 1 row. Answer:Ā Ā Good question! Please find the steps below: Instructions In your web browser window showing the table/report, press CTRL+A (to select all) Then press CTRL+C (to copy) Switch to a blank spreadsheet in Excel, press CTRL+V (to paste) That should result in a nice separate set of

[SOLVED] Can’t paste because the Copy area and paste area… [EXCEL]

Q. I cannot determine what is causing the following error: Can you help me determine what causes this, I am working with some large Excel spreadsheets and it is driving me mad. Thank you. -Shelly A. Ā Hi Shelly! Since you are dealing with large Excel spreadsheets, the problem is likely that you are near the one million row count and that the pasted cells push you over the limit. It is absurd that Excel throws theĀ wrong error message for this