Tag Archives: dell

Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1 SSD and RAM Upgrade Guide

Here is a photo guide to upgrading the RAM and installing an SSD on the Dell Inspiron 15 7000 2-in-1. This is a very nice laptop for the price and you can read a brief review here. For the upgrade steps, start and the bottom of the page and work your way up… 🙂 These simple upgrades take a nice basic machine and make it much more capable! 🙂 Top Search Terms:dell inspiron 15 7000 ssd upgrade (4)inspiron 15 7000

Dell M6600, M6700, M6800 car PSU

Q. Yo yo hoss, can you hook me up with some info on a power supply that will let me use my Dell M6700 in the car? Gracias! A. Hola good sir! It is a bit tricky for the M6700, it uses a fairly large power supply so Dell does not even offer a car adapter that I know of 🙁 However, I did find a couple options I would recommend: #1 Traditional DC power supply that people say will run

Slow AutoCAD on Dell M6700 with AMD FirePro [SOLVED]

Step 1. Uninstall all Catalyst Drivers Step 2. Install Dell Catalyst Pro drivers from the AMD site: Drive download Step 3. Make sure hardware acceleration is enabled: AutoCAD knowledge base article   Other links: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Display-and-Video/Graphic-card-problems-AMD-Fire-Pro-M5100-in-AutoCAD-and/td-p/4867242 http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2004-2005-2006/no-hardware-acceleration/td-p/2877122 Top Search Terms:autocad 2014 amd firepro m5100 (1)slow m6700 video (1)

Dell dock: monitors non-responsive after sleep

I am setting up a new office with two HP 27xw monitors connected to a Dell e-dock. Everything is working quite nicely, except after going to sleep, the monitors are no longer visible to Windows. So far, the workaround is to press the physical undock button (releasing the laptop) and then re-dock the system. All while keeping the laptop’s lid/display closed. Also, to prevent this from happening I have set Windows 10 to never put displays to sleep when the

Fix Brightness Adjustment Dell Laptop Windows 10 [SOLVED]

Recently I upgraded three different Dell laptops to Windows 10. The first was a Dell Inspiron 11 2-in-1, the 2nd was a Dell Latitude E5450, and the 3rd was a Dell XPS 13 (2015 Infinity Display). While I love Windows 10 so far, there is one major annoyance: brightness adjustment no longer works! i.e. when you press Function Key + Brightness Up/Down, the onscreen brightness meter pops up but the actual brightness adjustment does not work 🙁 Thankfully, after some

Dell Latitude E6430 Laptop i7-3520M 512GB SSD 1GB NVIDIA 5200M 8GB 9 CELL WIN7

Here I list items that I purchased and then sold at a later date. Simple enough huh? Here we go… Dell Latitude E6430 Laptop   This was a backup laptop and I I have not been using it anymore due to switching to a desktop for work. So I am looking for a good new home for this laptop. From a display and performance standpoint I found it to be an excellent laptop. It does have a crack in the

Dell Inspiron 11 3000 SSD upgrade

The Dell Inspiron 11 3000 series is a lovely laptop at a very nice price (~$350 USD). One of the few drawbacks is the slow HDD. Thankfully, that is easily remedied with an SSD upgrade! SSD Upgrade The photos below show how I upgraded my Inspiron 11 3147 with a 7mm Samsung 1TB SSD. Of course the same steps will work for smaller capacity SSDs [128GB, 256GB, 512GB] as well 🙂 Memory Upgrade While you have the machine open, you

ACPI\SMO8810 Windows 8.1 Dell Latitude driver download [SOLVED!]

If you have a Dell Latitude running Windows 8.1 with an Unknown Device ACPI/SMO8810, this is the driver download link you need: ST Microelectronics Free Fall Data Protection This applies to all of these Dell laptops: Latitude E5440 (Late 2013) Latitude E7440 (Mid 2013) Latitude E7240 (Mid 2013) Latitude E5540 (Late 2013) Latitude E7450 (Late 2014) Latitude E5250/5250 (Late 2014) Latitude E5550/5550 (Late 2014) Latitude E5450/5450 (Late 2014) And it is backwards compatible for the following OSes: MS Windows 7 32-bit

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