Category Archives: Uncategorized

Examples of good Twitter business designs

While redesigning a twitter page, it has been surprisingly hard to find good design examples to follow. Here are a few URLs with sample designs, some are pretty awesome and some not so much… 😉 Regardless I hope that something here will help you if you are in the same situation I am! Effective Twitter Backgrounds: Examples and Current Practices | Smashing Magazine profile page is the only place on Twitter where you get opportunity to showcase your visual brand

HP Envy 14 Spectre Reviews and SERVICE MANUAL

Interior peeling on BMW 325i (and similar)

[begin] Interior Pillars – Bimmerforums – The Ultimate BMW Forum just took out a whole weekend to work on my interior pillars. They were originally gray and I re-did them in black suede. Here are some pictures. Sorry the pics are kinda big.… How to remove interior pillar trim – Bimmerforums – The Ultimate BMW Forum need to remove the suede trim covers on each corners pillars. The fabric is bubbling and is about to come off. I want to

Exede satellite internet VPN performance review

NOTE: if you are looking for general (non-vpn) performance info about Exede, here is my Exede review. 🙂 Exede VPN Performance If you are like me and sometimes need to use a VPN for work or privacy you may be interested in how VPN over Exede works. So here are a few results from testing a VPN connection over Exede. Summary: It is not the ideal VPN solution, but it is reliable and can get the job done in a pinch. Details: