Show SKU in cart and checkout [WooCommerce]
Recently I have been setting up a quote only WooCommerce site. Specifically, the site needs to have SKUs listed and quantity info but not pricing. Here is a method to get SKUs listed throughout the cart/checkout pages:
Step 1. Setup child theme
Step 2. Copy the templates from /plugins/woocommerce/templates/cart/cart.php and /plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/review-order.php
to your child theme folder, with the result being similar to this:
Step 3. To add SKU to Cart and Checkout (Order Review)
Edit your cart.php template, where appropriate add:
<?php echo '<td'>.$_product->get_sku().'</td>'; ?>
More info:
Edit your review-order.php template:
<?php echo '<td>'.$_product->sku.'</td>'; ?>
More info:
Hopefully this helps 🙂