Patriot Box Office shows preview but won’t play movie! [solved]
Q. Hiya, I got a patriot box office and it shows the preview of my MKV movie. But then when I hit play button on the remote the PBO just locks up and shows a blank black screen. Can you help??? -MovieFan
A. Good news, you may just need a firmware update! Please go to this page and download the latest firmware for your PBO:
Note: you will want to make sure you download the correct firmware for your particular unit depending on the bootcode. It should be either a Bootcode 16 or Bootcode 18. You can check which you have by turning on the PBO and then at the default home screen press the Stop button on the remote, followed by Pause.
Once you download and install the latest firmware, please let me know if this helps with your MKV playback problem.
Update from MovieFan:
Thx a billion that firmware update did the trick!!! PBO now plays those troublesome MKVs no prob woot woot!!!
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- pbo firmware (6)
- patriot box office won't play mkv (5)
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- patriot box office won\'t play mkv (4)
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