Exede Liberty Pass speed tests [RESULTS]

Here you will find real world speed test results for ViaSat’s Exede Liberty Pass internet plan. These results are from AFTER the monthly allotment is downloaded. These are also with their latest modem which features “up to” 25 Mbps downloads.

Here is verification that the monthly allotment has been used, and the Liberty Pass is in effect:

Liberty Pass is en effect

Liberty Pass is in effect


A quick note regarding units discussed in this post:

Unit symbol

The ISQ symbols for the bit and byte are bit and B, respectively. In the context of data rate units, one byte consists of 8 bits, and is synonymous with the unit octet. The abbreviation bps is often used to mean bit/s, so that when a 1 Mbps connection is advertised, it usually means that the maximum achievable bandwidth is 1 Mbit/s (one million bits per second), which is 0.125 MB/s (megabyte per second), or about 0.1192 MiB/s (mebibyte per second). […] Wikipedia

Speed Test Results:

2016-01-13 9:47AM CST:

549 KB/s, fluctuating between 4-5Mbps, see screenshot below:

549 KB/s actual file download speed or ~ 4-5Mbps

549 KB/s actual file download speed or ~ 4-5Mbps

And the obligatory speedtest.net results:

Exede Liberty Pass Speedtest.net results, ~9:50AM

Exede Liberty Pass Speedtest.net results, ~9:50AM


2:45PM CST
Crazy fast!
~20Mbps downloads, 4.7Mpbs uploads

5:35PM CST
Decent speeds.
~5.5Mbps downloads, 4.7Mbps uploads

Slowest so far.
~4.44Mbps downloads, 5.52Mbps uploads


8.16Mbps downloads , 0.95Mbps uploads
Good DL speeds, pretty slow uploads.
So far, at all times of day, Netflix and Amazon Prime have been usable. Very cool!



Test Date: Jan 19, 2016 4:15 PM
Download: 11.71 Mbps
Upload: 4.82 Mbps
Ping: 770 ms
Connection Type: Wi-Fi

IPhone 6, Exede speed test

IPhone 6, Exede speed test




To be continued… 🙂


  • Sean Wytrwal

    Could you post another speed test during the evening hours. Say after 5pm. I am curious to see how stable those speeds are over a 24 hour basis. Also, where are you located?

    • Hi Sean,
      Thank you for your comment. Certainly, I will run the speed test tonight. I’ll eventually try to get results on the hour throughout the day. Our location is Missouri.

      So far we have been pleasantly surprised with the Liberty Pass, i.e. Netflix has been usable even in the evening hours. I did not expect that to be the case 🙂

      Best regards,

    • Just FYI, I posted a few speedtest results from today. 2:45PM, 5:35PM, and 10:11PM sorry I missed that 6PM-9PM time but the kids were watching Amazon Prime videos during that time.

      Regardless, I’ll try to keep running tests over the rest of this billing period.

      Have a great night and feel free to post any questions/requests!

      Best regards,

  • Lanette

    Not sure if you will get this but how much data do you use each month? We are switching to Exede this week. We live out in the middle of nowhere and the service we had, well we were lucky to get 1 mpbs and that was spotty. We could also get the Freedom plan which was 150 gigs at high we speeds. Going to try the cheaper one first.

    • Hi Lanette,
      Thank you for your excellent question.

      We use about 50GB-60GB a month on average. Good luck and please keep me posted on your experiences!

      Best regards,

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