Differences between original WildBlue FAP & Broadband (Exede) FAP

The orignal WildBlue services uses a rather unusual ‘rolling FAP’ that is pretty hard to explain. The new WildBlue broadband (Exede) uses a much simpler monthly usage reset date.

Here are the policies for both old and new WildBlueas of 2012.06.28 followed by an explanation and example where appropriate. –JD

Original or ‘old’ WildBlue Plans

WildBlue Original Plans: After exceeding either of the usage thresholds, which vary by service package, the speed of your service will be slowed to 128 kbps download and 28 kbps upload. Your speeds will be restored when your data usage in the prior 30 days falls below 70% for both usage thresholds.

Please note that restoration of your service can take up to 24 hours after falling below both of the 70% Usage Thresholds. This will occur automatically but not instantaneously with the 24 hour time frame.


EXPLANATION: this is basically a ‘rolling FAP’, your usage is kept track of daily and if you surpass your FAP then you are speed limited until your usage from the 30 days prior becomes less than 70% of the Usage Threshold. -JD

EXAMPLE: If you have the ‘Select Pak’ then you have a 12GB download threshold and a 3GB upload threshold. If on Day 1 you download 4.1GB, Day 2 you download 4.1GB, and Day 3 you download 4.1GB. You have now used 12.3GB and surpassed your  usage threshold.  Your speeds will be throttled until Day 31 when approximately 27 days have passed since you exceeded your FAP! At which time your Day 1 usage (which occurred 30 days ago) will not be counted against you, meaning you are now at 8.2GB of usage… on day 32 you will be listed as having 4.1GB of usage and on day 33 you will be back to zero GB of download usage.

New ViaSat-1 WildBlue / Exede Plans

WildBlue Broadband Plans [Exede] : We measure your data usage on a monthly basis and reset it to zero on the same day each month. Starting on the first day of your monthly measurement period, all uploaded and downloaded data transmitted using your Wildblue account counts toward your data allowance.
If at any time your data usage exceeds the data allowance, WildBlue may severely slow, restrict, and/or suspend your service, or certain uses of your service, until the end of your monthly measurement period. At the end of each monthly measurement period, your data usage resets to zero, and if your service has been restricted due to excessive use, it will be restored.

EXPLANATION: This is much simpler. Each month your usage is measured on a monthly basis and it always resets on a particular day of the month.

NOTE 1: I actually prefer Hughesnet’s system over either of WildBlue’s. With Hughesnet your data allowance/usage resets on a daily basis (i.e. if you have a 750MB usage allowance per day and you use it all, the next day you are back at  0 usage and can begin using 750MB again. ALSO, from 2AM to 7AM you have unlimited downloads and uploads that do not count against your usage!

So, with Hughesnet it is impossible to FAP (speed limit) yourself for more than a day or so. Whereas with WildBlue plans you can be FAPed for almost month 🙁

NOTE 2: one report shows that the WildBlue recovery act programs seem to also have an unlimited download zone late at night:

These plans offer better pricing and better download allowances than conventional WildBlue Broadband/Exede (best deals with more bandwidth less FAP) Original source


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