Disable RAW transfer to iPad when using Eye-Fi

The Eye-Fi is a great match when paired with an iPad. My wife uses her Olympus XZ-1 with an iPad 3 (or ‘New iPad’) and the combination is quite capable 🙂 However, by default if you shoot RAW+JPEG the Eye-Fi will transfer both to the iPad. This is a bit overkill for our purposes, since if we are going to edit RAW we are going to do it on a full blown laptop or desktop PC rather than an iPad. It took me a while to find the applicable setting so here is some info to make it easier for you:

Four simple steps to disable Eye-Fi RAW transfer on an iPad

Dtart in the Eye-Fi app’s settings screen, then follow the screenshots below:

Adjust upload settings in Eye-Fi to disable RAW on iPad/iPhone

#1 Choose: Upload Settings

Choose card to adjust upload settings in Eye-Fi to disable RAW on iPad/iPhone

#2 Chose your Eye-Fi Card




#4 Choose OFF for Raw Photos

That’s it! After you complete those steps simply press the blue  ‘Done’ button and enjoy faster upload completions by not waiting for those big RAW files to transfer over wifi anymore 🙂

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