Author Archives: J.D. H.

“New” X230 ThinkPad!


My old X230 laptop finally bit the dust after MANY years of faithful service. This particular laptop has been upgraded with what is widely regarded as the best overall IPS matte display for the X230 (LG125WH2-SLT1) πŸ‘πŸ˜Š The old X230 SSD worked perfectly in the new X230. Now I am cloning from that same 1TB SSD over to a new 4TB SSD for an upgrade. This should end up being a very fun machine! Here is the eBay description of

Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have enough resources. [SOLVED]

If you encounter the following error: Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels. and you have tried all the normal solutions (adjusting php.ini, other upload settings) then I suggest checking your plugins for potential issues. Here is the error screenshot: Specifically, I encountered this error when the following plugin was enabled: After you deactivate potentially troublesome plugins, you

“Connect to GOG Galaxy Communication Service was lost and could not be restored!” [Remote desktop issue]

Please note, if you try to connect to a machine via MS Remote Desktop Protocol and start GOG Galaxy then you will likely encounter the following error: “Connect to GOG Galaxy Communication Service was lost and could not be restored!” Unfortunately, there is no resolution for this error other than to manually login to the machine locally (not remote desktop). If the error still persists, I recommend rebooting the PC and trying to start GOG again. Sorry to not have

Good TV shows for Alzheimer’s and dementia Sufferers

If you have a loved one that suffers form Alzheimer’s or dementia, you may be looking for good TV shows that will help your loved one relax and enjoy their day. Depending on the severity of the disease, your loved one may or may not be able to follow along throughout the series (in which case even a few favorite episodes can be nice). However, if they are still able to follow the progression of the series I have tried

How to sync time on Windows 10 VM after pause/resume

Recently after restoring a paused VMWare Workstation Windows 10 VM, the VM guest had an incorrect system time. After a bit of checking through options, I was able to get the time updated/synced correctly and it did not even require a pause/resume or reboot πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ Here is where you can enable automatic time sync between host and guest: Player -> Manage -> Virtual Machine SettingsOptions -> VMware Tools features -> Synchronize guest time with host I hope this helps you

How to re-enable Hey Google on OnePlus 8 Pro [SOLVED]

If your Google assistant no longer responds to the “Hey Google” wake command, give this a try: Open the “Google” app on your OnePlus phone At the bottom of the “Google” app, click the 3-dots “… More” and select “Settings” Select “Google Assistant” Select “Voice Match” Toggle the “Hey Google” slider to “On” Exit out of the app and voila, your phone should answer to “Hey Google” again! I hope this helps πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

Reading list from May 1998

Reading List (what I was reading as an 18 year old, either for school assignments or recreation) “Salvation” by Langston Houghes “Shame” by Dick Gregory “A Wagnor Matin’ee” by Willa Cather “An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bie “In Another Country by Ernest Himingway “The Hugging Judge” by Jack Canfield “A Brother Like That” by Dan Clark “A Legacy of Love” by Bobbie Gea “The High Cost of Nikes” by Larry Janowski Our Town by Thorton Wilder “The Salt

Unable to open kernel device ‘\\.\VMCIDev\VMX’: The operation completed successfully.

If you encounter the following error message: Unable to open kernel device ‘\.\VMCIDev\VMX’: The operation completed successfully. Did you reboot after installing VMware Workstation? Module ‘DevicePowerOn’ power on failed. Failed to start the virtual machine. You may want to try editing the VMX file for your virtual machine and changing this variable from true to false: vmci0.present = “false” (it was the located on the last line in my VMX) After making this change, I was able to successfully boot