Search Results for: exede review

New Exede Speedboost plans + wifi [review & prices]

Here are some new updates on Exede’s latest plans: Personally, I would only pick a plan that has their new Speedboost + WiFi modem and the Liberty Pass. Initially I enjoyed the “late night free zone” (or LNFZ) but as of late it just became too much of a hassle to manage data usage during the daytime (and saving all the heavy stuff for late night) so now I much prefer the ease and simplicity of the Liberty Pass. Plus I absolutely

Exede satellite internet VPN performance review

NOTE: if you are looking for general (non-vpn) performance info about Exede, here is my Exede review. 🙂 Exede VPN Performance If you are like me and sometimes need to use a VPN for work or privacy you may be interested in how VPN over Exede works. So here are a few results from testing a VPN connection over Exede. Summary: It is not the ideal VPN solution, but it is reliable and can get the job done in a pinch. Details:

Exede satellite internet review

Long-Term Exede Internet Review (May 2012-2016) NOTE: There is a a lot of information in the comments at the bottom of this review, feel free to ask your own Exede questions there or share your own satellite internet experiences! Thank you, –JD 2016.06 My Exede modem’s Ethernet ports recently stopped working. Currently waiting to hear back from them on when they will be able to replace it. 2014.Feb Still pleased with Exede, the speeds reach their advertised rates and the usage

Exede real world download speeds

Real world Exede download speeds: Downloaded 8/20/2016 @ 10:58AM *Bandwidth speed conversion details here. We live off the grid (no power lines, no phone lines) and this download speed compares favorably with DSL in the nearest town (16 miles). Town DSL in the area is generally around 1.2 MB/s or 9.6 Mbps. However, please be aware there are significant drawbacks inherent to satellite internet (latency/lag, affected by weather, relatively high costs, limited monthly bandwidth).

Exede Liberty Pass speed tests [RESULTS]

Here you will find real world speed test results for ViaSat’s Exede Liberty Pass internet plan. These results are from AFTER the monthly allotment is downloaded. These are also with their latest modem which features “up to” 25 Mbps downloads. Here is verification that the monthly allotment has been used, and the Liberty Pass is in effect:   A quick note regarding units discussed in this post: Unit symbol The ISQ symbols for the bit and byte are bit and B,

Exede Evolution

Intro and Thoughts: Exede has added a new offering in their satellite internet stable: Exede Evolution. This is the first satellite internet plan that I am aware of which offers high speeds and NO DATA CAP on PHOTOS and TEXT (web pages). That means you can view as many web pages and photos as you want. Downloads of programs or videos still count against the 5GB monthly cap, which can result in slowed speeds for non-text non-photos, but even if

New satellite internet review site

My Exede review is one of the most commented articles on my site (177 comments and counting). However, having that many comments on one page (or paginated) can be quite cumbersome for someone simply looking for an organized set of reviews  (Exede or otherwise). Therefore, here is the link to a satellite internet review and complaint site, which has a dedicated section for Exede as well as most other satellite ISPs. That site is meant to be a simple resource for people

Exede slowed speed: ping results

Here are ping times when Viasat slows your Exede service due to reaching 100% of your monthly data allowance: Reply from bytes=32 time=989ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=606ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=1103ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=630ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=863ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=1360ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=719ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=838ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=1223ms TTL=51 Reply from bytes=32 time=1391ms TTL=51 Reply