Tag Archives: turnkey linux

Enable remote MySQL connections on Turnkey Linux LAMP

I am a big fan of Turnkey Linux. It is great for working on projects locally, though sometimes I need to allow others access to the MySQL server on our LAN. Here are simple instructions for enabling remote MySQL connections and for allowing user access: How to allow remote access to databases | TurnKey GNU/Linux docshttp://www.turnkeylinux.org/docs/database-remote-accesssed -i “s/^bind-address/#bind-address/” /etc/mysql/my.cnf Configure MySQL to accept remote root connections (from any host (‘%’)): (added line breaks for readability) 🙂

Enable PHP error reporting on Turnkey LAMP Stack

Recently while using Turnkey Linux I had some PHP scripts that were totally blank. This was just a local test server and I had a pretty good idea there were some PHP errors so I enabled PHP error reporting. If you are on a production server you would probably NOT want to do this. However, if you are like me and just doing some testing, here are the steps to enable error reporting: PHP error reporting is disabled – won’t