Tag Archives: kickstarter

NEW thinkfun.com version of Robot Turtles [20% off promo coupon code]

A rather exciting email from the creator of Robot Turtles (the fun board game that teaches kids how to program). I pre-ordered a version and you can even use promo/coupon code TEACHERS at thinkfun.com for 20% off! Here is the email in its entirety: {START} First a brief summary (or, as the kids say, TL;DR): A new, enhanced version of Robot Turtles is available for preorder.   Next, a long rambling version of same.   Five short months ago we closed

Cool Bluetooth Temperature Sensors: Android, iOS, Cloud

2013 UPDATE with additional option: Here is a line of some wireless sensor products that are garnering rave reviews! They utilize a manager (ethernet tag manager) device which can communicate with low cost sensors then report the data to your device or the cloud, together it all forms a nice alternative to traditional Bluetooth sensors. Enjoy 🙂 Monitor and Find Everything in Your Home or Office from the Internet – Wireless Sensor Tagshttp://www.mytaglist.com/Wireless sensor tags connect events in physical world, e.g. motion, door/gate